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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Not World Government, But a Coming Together. The Global Reprogramming of Trump, The World Institutions Holding Back the World

Not so much a world government, but a United World Nation, making not drastic decisions of war, conflict and sanctions, but voting together as one voice and a worldwide neighborhood to better it from those who would spoil it for all. In saying this, no utopia is perfect, neither you or anyone else. But striving towards a world Utopia is the goal, it will never have it at 100, but constant striving towards it is better

I am glad to see the overhaul of the Trump administration and finally us working with the UN to solve the problem of North Korea. I agree the guys got to go, but not under a nuclear cloud or a stock or market shock wave to the peninsula. Russia is saying cool our jets, in which I agree. North Korea is but a little bratty nation and just wants attention, it is not a threat and just wants to be noticed. If they mess up, then turn it into a pop tart.

Nationalism, Islamic Fascism, Terrorism, the drug wars, communism, religious zealots and Zionism are what is holding back the world from progress. The technology gurus get it. Trump and nationalism is the hold back. Never in my mind did I think that USA would go against science and calling fake news out to those who kiss ass and are gullible programmable people and not independently able to show reason or logic in everyday life.

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