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Friday, September 1, 2017

Nationalism, Globalism, Free Trade, Military Complex, Cruel Budget, Soros, Evilangelist

Donald Trump's election is a temporary fad, just like the populist movement, which is basically NAZI in form. Global free trade has bought us low inflation, low interest rates and access to an array of cheap goods overseas. Free market, free trade, free thought are the foundations to becoming part of the rest of the world and growing with it.
We in the US are seen as the biggest threat to world peace according to other nations, making money on the military complex and stripping the poor of their dignity through his cruel budget proposal, which congress is said dead on arrival.
He plans to slash everything but the military, law enforcement and homeland security on the backs of the poor, disabled social security recipients. The plan is control of the people in the US. Making it a police state in a sense.
Everyone is putting down George Soros and his open society, but at least he is not dropping bombs, killing innocent civilians. He understands that a live person who is bought out of poverty into is better off for the world economy if he or she is a free consumer, free thinker, and free to excel in an economy of civil liberties that are not controlled by a police state in which this country and partially the world is becoming.
Just FYI for the nationalist that voted for Trump. Soro funded Kushner in a lot of dealing and are good friends, Conned again. Just like the fake evilangelist that are his council in the White House. 

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