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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Moral According to What? Religion, Laws, Life Histories, Free and Transparent Societies

Morals come in many forms, many traditional beliefs and individual morals. Morals are formed by a majority of a country or a culture set up in the parallels of laws set forth by law legislation. Sometimes these moral laws should be reviewed or revamped. Most countries keep them on the books to make money for Law Inc and feed the government coffers.

Some morals are set by religions according to the faith one belongs to, but is used as an excuse to be forgiven and go right back and do it again. Sort of like a recharge. They call this hypocrisy.

Some morals come down through family, life history, life and learn and passed onto our children who later in life modify them to fit their comfort zones. With these morals come many influences, such as religious up bringing, the internet, media, family, what they can and cannot get away with within the environment.

In a free society, free thinking, free spirited, free market and multicultural global environment, the moral are set to the individuals inter circle of friends and taste, there being universal in thought and ever adapting and learning modified with age.

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