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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Free Trade, Open Borders, Border Protections, Immigration Policies, Refugees, Middle East, Christianity History

I am your constituent and I am politically active. No issue is as important to me right now than protecting our borders from the dangers of unchecked immigration. I am gravely concerned about the low standards that the Obama administration set for immigration - especially from certain nations in the Middle East and north Africa.

I am writing to strongly encourage you to support President Donald Trump's immigration reform efforts. Please know that I, and many other of your constitutents, are watching your actions carefully in this matter. Respectfully, if you do not take our concerns to heart then every effort will be made to unseat you in the next election. This issue is too important a matter to allow our representatives to ignore our just demands from government. Your response will be appreciated.

My response:

No issue is more important than free trade, access to good and exchange between global cultures. Yes borders should be protected, but not less us worry about being a North Korea or a former Soviet Union by building a wall. Unchecked iimmigration is good but requires more border protectors, such as the national guard working in sequence with the border patrol, which is anyway more expensive than putting the national guard in charge. Mexico does not control its borders and welcomes Americans and we should do the save. Legalize somethings like prostitution and drugs and outlaw pimps and cartels, and things would be more balanced and less expensive.

The Middle East is about being anti Muslim and converting them to Christianity to control the resources of the area, especially oil and to reek havoic for the military complex in the sale of weapons, in which the USA and Russia are number 1 and 2. 

Refugees should be accepted into western countries, for we are the ones that caused the problem through intervention in the Middle East. 

Immigration reductions, going against open borders, keeping refugees out, against open borders and an open society is just attempts to bring back the good ol boy system, promote nationalism (NAZI), monopolize the world with Christianity in which the genocide of the American Indian was forced upon and it was called imperialism. A Anglosaxon preference which invented slavery and the concept enforcing Christian ideology on the masses in which we called savages and slaves.

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