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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

USA and Global Competition

The US and Global Competition

1. We are a global country like everyone else. We want to raise the minimum wage in America to $15 an hour, but wages, taxes, and material costs go into a price of a product that is produced and will only sell where people can afford the price of the product or service.

2, We must start with our currency. It must be competitive with other currencies so we must lower it and manipulate where our exports can be sold in other countries. We manipulate our $ through the central bank, called interest rates in which affects the price of houses and their demand, 10-year bonds. Lowering interest rates creates more buyers, in turn, to creating more construction, and increasing interest rates creates less supply of houses. There is a balance.

3. The same works in the price of imports and exports, supply and demand. Lower the taxes that companies have to pay to produce products and services, deregulate and get the governments out of the coffers of companies creating jobs and businesses. Lower interest rates to stimulate the dollar so we can sell our products abroad and compete.

4. This is the mentality behind Trump's push on the Fed 

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