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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Reasoning for Globalization, Free Trade, and Things That Slow Down World Economic Growth

1. The global population in adapting to globalization. Globalization has bought us low inflation, and cheaper prices for every aspect of resources that are consumed. What is scary now is that we may soon learn the word inflation again through the growing nationalistic rise in the world today.

2. Deregulation is a big part of helping economic sector growth. In many nations, growth is noticed more in emerging markets.

3. The Internet and free information and commerce is important in a world economy, deregulation of energy where the consumer is in charge instead of the government dictating its policies through climate change. Deregulation in the health market combined western medicine with eastern medicine, eastern medicine being a lot older than western. and less con

4. Islam and Christians are afraid of free trade and globalism because it makes civilizations think outside the box in keeping with information free flow of ideas, investments, and mixing of other races, the falseness of it interfering with traditional cultures within countries. Afraid of change.

5. Globalization has bought many out of poverty for those countries who have opened up to it.

6. Threats to globalization and the benefits of free trade are nationalism, extremism, socialism, Islam, and right-wing Christians.

7. The market always has a way to correct itself when globalization is threatened through inflation, scarcity, pricing, unions, manipulation of exchange rates, subsidies, and tariffs. But until it changes back to open trade the pace will be sluggish.


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