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Monday, August 15, 2016

The Art of War Notes General Zho

General Zho War Rules and Art of War

Take leaders out as a priority
Take territory as less as possible
Use special forces, far in the front lines to disrupt enemy operations
Scatter to limit casualties in an attack and on defense
Hit and run to confuse the enemy's intents
Get on the inside of the enemy to collect intelligence
Invest in those who will be part of your future
Appoint the best in leadership by skills and don't care about color or social status
Counteract with defense, security first and the next step ahead
Stay as mobile as possible, not settling in too long
Adapt, adjust, endure, survive, move forward
Long-term goals over the short-term goals, the big picture
Do not advance with too much, calculate and analyze moving forward with efficiency and resourcefulness
High payoff targets first must be taken out
Outthink not outfight
Know the enemy, know yourself
Do not establish a location too long
Let the enemy expose themselves as much as possible, observe in silence without overreaction
Attack the weak areas of the enemy where they are most vulnerable
The big picture overall, and do not focus only on one too much
Know your environment and the future environment that you have planned for
Keep your plans in the dark and deceit, then pounce to the other side while driving forward in the middle
Attack one area to sidetrack another attack
Make the enemy pay time and money to ware them down
Corner them and they will fight
All warfare is deception where the true goal is hidden
Spy, foreknowledge
How your defense is set up is important, 3 defend as 1 attacks ratio
Anti-tank and anti-aircraft is important
In response, be flexible, never panic
Weaken the infighting within for that will weaken the leadership

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