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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Stages of Life

0-18-Growing up, learning, being cool, following the in-crowd, obsessed with looking good, the basics, etc
19-29-Finding oneself in the world, work fit, dating, lots of friends, good times not thinking about the future too much.
30-40-Running at full speed in career, dealing with your kids, trying to make them better than you are and not wanting them to make the same mistakes you did but most likely will.
41-50-Mid age crisis, saying to yourself, what the hell did I do wrong and I got to make up for all the wrong decisions. Trying to run at the pace of your 20's and 30's but can't. The mind does but the body does not agree.
51-60-Taking life as it comes at you because you don't have the energy to do the extra. Thinking you are done with your kids but you forgot about grandkids. More focused in on your health and dealing with a chronic disease. Thinking of your retirement.
61-old age-Your kids start telling you how to live your life but they love you and care for you. Thinking about getting away sometimes, too much time on your hands, avoiding stress as much as possible. Hanging out with people your age, but to stay young, never grow up. You will live long, you deserve it.

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