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Friday, August 12, 2016

Things that will disrupt globalization economics

Things that will disrupt globalization

1. Climate change but this is debatable. Some scientist believes that and now it is, crop yields have never been better.

2. We and the world are experiencing nationalism rise again with censorships from the nationalist who want everything to stay the same, the religious prohibitionist, and socialists. Take away the freedom of thought, freedom of spirit, free consumer choice, free trade and you will have inflation, high-interest rates, less consumer choice, and discount stores will be a thing of the past.

3. Extremism and fanaticism will blight the global landscape because it does not and cannot adapt to change for the better. I'd rather do business with 8 billion-plus than 339 million people. The global middle class is set to go from 1 billion people to 3 by 2030.

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