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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Logic, Reason, Calculation, Planning, Research and Flexibility, and Think Out Your Own Journey

One must have logic, reason, calculation, planning, research intelligence, flexibility. One must think of the morals established through the majority, or what is moral to that culture, country or population at that time. In other words, what the majority thinks and is popular and should not be set by ancient ideas that don't fit the times. Now in terms of safety to the public and harm to people, this is where is regulated in a person's behavior but not in personal free liberties of a person where it is not harming no one but themselves if they choose to do so. What is pushed onto u to do, is for the benefit of the one pushing it on you, who were conned or for their self-fulfillment, knowing you to be gullible, then you pay a price? Most of these people are called cons. money-grubbers, fanatics, extremists, prohibitionists, control freaks. In today's world, logic, reasoning, calculation, planning, research, flexibility to change in thought must be used. In this, information must be free flow, freedom of expression must be allowed, truth is determined by the factors upon your research done to come to the conclusion. Now there is the Internet, a free Internet, and social platforms that are competing with religious doctrine, traditional thought, fanatical and extremist doctrine set in stone but not the times in which it is set. The conclusion is to think on your own to travel life's journey and not what is dictated to you by the past that is not the present day, and should not be part of the plan for your future.   

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