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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Stages of Life

0-18-Growing up, learning, being cool, following the in-crowd, obsessed with looking good, the basics, etc
19-29-Finding oneself in the world, work fit, dating, lots of friends, good times not thinking about the future too much.
30-40-Running at full speed in career, dealing with your kids, trying to make them better than you are and not wanting them to make the same mistakes you did but most likely will.
41-50-Mid age crisis, saying to yourself, what the hell did I do wrong and I got to make up for all the wrong decisions. Trying to run at the pace of your 20's and 30's but can't. The mind does but the body does not agree.
51-60-Taking life as it comes at you because you don't have the energy to do the extra. Thinking you are done with your kids but you forgot about grandkids. More focused in on your health and dealing with a chronic disease. Thinking of your retirement.
61-old age-Your kids start telling you how to live your life but they love you and care for you. Thinking about getting away sometimes, too much time on your hands, avoiding stress as much as possible. Hanging out with people your age, but to stay young, never grow up. You will live long, you deserve it.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Logic, Reason, Calculation, Planning, Research and Flexibility, and Think Out Your Own Journey

One must have logic, reason, calculation, planning, research intelligence, flexibility. One must think of the morals established through the majority, or what is moral to that culture, country or population at that time. In other words, what the majority thinks and is popular and should not be set by ancient ideas that don't fit the times. Now in terms of safety to the public and harm to people, this is where is regulated in a person's behavior but not in personal free liberties of a person where it is not harming no one but themselves if they choose to do so. What is pushed onto u to do, is for the benefit of the one pushing it on you, who were conned or for their self-fulfillment, knowing you to be gullible, then you pay a price? Most of these people are called cons. money-grubbers, fanatics, extremists, prohibitionists, control freaks. In today's world, logic, reasoning, calculation, planning, research, flexibility to change in thought must be used. In this, information must be free flow, freedom of expression must be allowed, truth is determined by the factors upon your research done to come to the conclusion. Now there is the Internet, a free Internet, and social platforms that are competing with religious doctrine, traditional thought, fanatical and extremist doctrine set in stone but not the times in which it is set. The conclusion is to think on your own to travel life's journey and not what is dictated to you by the past that is not the present day, and should not be part of the plan for your future.   

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Counter Jihad, Free Flow Without the Prohibitions That Inflate the Cost of Living, Depopulation Has Negative Affects, Muslim and Christian Population Growth, Free Flow of World Market According to Free Consumer Supply and Demand,

I had a lot of time on YouTube to explore the tactics of Islamic Jihad. Very interesting. So here are some ideas to counteractions to Jihad.

Keep oil prices down and develop other uses of energies with the world's infrastructures put in place to supply alternative technologies or alternatives to be used. Electric recharging stations and vehicle production together etc.

In any way, cut the flow of their financing. Oil, illegal drugs, bank accounts, gun-running, forced manipulations of the young and the gullible and control of their finances. Teaching people not to give in to the brainwashing of any group of religion or cult thought by the rule of freedom of markets, freedom on personnel liberties, freedom of thought and communication, freedom of spirit and expression of the spirit, and freedom of choice without suppression through a militant state in any form.

Depopulation is our worst enemy. We know the strength in numbers is the key to their war against this freedom and the take over of a free society. One of the largest population group rates come from Christian and Muslim religions. The Muslims have more rigid control over there young and cannot be gotten to, unless the media, internet, social networking, and platforms are allowed outside and not restricted from the female population's,  influences of the philosophy of freedom can be presented to them. We in our ideas must counteract these influences through is own population policy have more in numbers. For ideas and freedoms of expressions are passed to the young and they themselves develop in a free global world of ideas that they can express themselves in the freedom of thought, freedom of spirit and choice, not to mention the free market and consumer choice in which free world markets should be based on

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Art of War Notes General Zho

General Zho War Rules and Art of War

Take leaders out as a priority
Take territory as less as possible
Use special forces, far in the front lines to disrupt enemy operations
Scatter to limit casualties in an attack and on defense
Hit and run to confuse the enemy's intents
Get on the inside of the enemy to collect intelligence
Invest in those who will be part of your future
Appoint the best in leadership by skills and don't care about color or social status
Counteract with defense, security first and the next step ahead
Stay as mobile as possible, not settling in too long
Adapt, adjust, endure, survive, move forward
Long-term goals over the short-term goals, the big picture
Do not advance with too much, calculate and analyze moving forward with efficiency and resourcefulness
High payoff targets first must be taken out
Outthink not outfight
Know the enemy, know yourself
Do not establish a location too long
Let the enemy expose themselves as much as possible, observe in silence without overreaction
Attack the weak areas of the enemy where they are most vulnerable
The big picture overall, and do not focus only on one too much
Know your environment and the future environment that you have planned for
Keep your plans in the dark and deceit, then pounce to the other side while driving forward in the middle
Attack one area to sidetrack another attack
Make the enemy pay time and money to ware them down
Corner them and they will fight
All warfare is deception where the true goal is hidden
Spy, foreknowledge
How your defense is set up is important, 3 defend as 1 attacks ratio
Anti-tank and anti-aircraft is important
In response, be flexible, never panic
Weaken the infighting within for that will weaken the leadership

Friday, August 12, 2016

Things that will disrupt globalization economics

Things that will disrupt globalization

1. Climate change but this is debatable. Some scientist believes that and now it is, crop yields have never been better.

2. We and the world are experiencing nationalism rise again with censorships from the nationalist who want everything to stay the same, the religious prohibitionist, and socialists. Take away the freedom of thought, freedom of spirit, free consumer choice, free trade and you will have inflation, high-interest rates, less consumer choice, and discount stores will be a thing of the past.

3. Extremism and fanaticism will blight the global landscape because it does not and cannot adapt to change for the better. I'd rather do business with 8 billion-plus than 339 million people. The global middle class is set to go from 1 billion people to 3 by 2030.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

USA and Global Competition

The US and Global Competition

1. We are a global country like everyone else. We want to raise the minimum wage in America to $15 an hour, but wages, taxes, and material costs go into a price of a product that is produced and will only sell where people can afford the price of the product or service.

2, We must start with our currency. It must be competitive with other currencies so we must lower it and manipulate where our exports can be sold in other countries. We manipulate our $ through the central bank, called interest rates in which affects the price of houses and their demand, 10-year bonds. Lowering interest rates creates more buyers, in turn, to creating more construction, and increasing interest rates creates less supply of houses. There is a balance.

3. The same works in the price of imports and exports, supply and demand. Lower the taxes that companies have to pay to produce products and services, deregulate and get the governments out of the coffers of companies creating jobs and businesses. Lower interest rates to stimulate the dollar so we can sell our products abroad and compete.

4. This is the mentality behind Trump's push on the Fed 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Reasoning for Globalization, Free Trade, and Things That Slow Down World Economic Growth

1. The global population in adapting to globalization. Globalization has bought us low inflation, and cheaper prices for every aspect of resources that are consumed. What is scary now is that we may soon learn the word inflation again through the growing nationalistic rise in the world today.

2. Deregulation is a big part of helping economic sector growth. In many nations, growth is noticed more in emerging markets.

3. The Internet and free information and commerce is important in a world economy, deregulation of energy where the consumer is in charge instead of the government dictating its policies through climate change. Deregulation in the health market combined western medicine with eastern medicine, eastern medicine being a lot older than western. and less con

4. Islam and Christians are afraid of free trade and globalism because it makes civilizations think outside the box in keeping with information free flow of ideas, investments, and mixing of other races, the falseness of it interfering with traditional cultures within countries. Afraid of change.

5. Globalization has bought many out of poverty for those countries who have opened up to it.

6. Threats to globalization and the benefits of free trade are nationalism, extremism, socialism, Islam, and right-wing Christians.

7. The market always has a way to correct itself when globalization is threatened through inflation, scarcity, pricing, unions, manipulation of exchange rates, subsidies, and tariffs. But until it changes back to open trade the pace will be sluggish.


Labor Pools of the World in 2050

Top 10 Countries where with younger labor pools will be found in 2050

1. India 
2. China 
3. Phillippines
4. Nigeria
5. Pakistan
6. Indonesia
7. Egypt
8. Ethiopia
9. Bangladesh
10. USA

Ethnic makeup of the USA by 2050 estimanted

Whites          52%
Hispanic       22%
Black            12%
Asian              8%
Mixed             4%