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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Frockman Philosophy Part 2

Look ahead of you, look who or what is behind you, what is standing in your way. Either they are there to lead you, follow you or they or it needs to get the hell out of the way.

Understand you are in charge of your own destiny, people you meet on the internet, people you are friends with, institutions you belong to, what you buy, what you promote, how you express yourself, all determines on the outcome.

Artificial guidance can most of the time be the best intelligence over human intelligence, for remembering human intelligence is always jealous of artificial intelligence and technologies which are new to the world, for they like the old and want to keep it conservative, less work for adaptation. 

Be independent and critical in thought, free thought and in a free spirit. Spiritual beliefs can be free, spontaneous, universal and all can be applied to modern spirituality to fit one's life. 

Be prideful, but not conceited and self-centered. Never be self-righteous or fanatical about anything. Free your mind and the rest will follow.

Be a good listener in a two-way conversation or debate and not overbearing, it is not to win it, it is to meet in the middle to solve the issue, there is no right or wrong answer, but solving according to both parties compromise. In business this is called negotiations, agreements to better each others agenda.

Learn to motivate yourself and others, but do not force it on them, for only they have to make the change, you are only there to elevate them to a higher level of conscience, but that is up to them. Same goes with you when others do so.

Again, lead, follow or get the hell out of the way and the same for oneself, Do not be a doomsayer or stagnation.

Have a strong will and do not be swayed easy, for it will attract con artist and money grubbers, users, and fanatics to you. Be your own person according to your values, ethics, and morals, without harming others in this process.

Be positive in thought, works, and deeds for your success is important. Also, your peace of mind and wealth and health which comes in many forms.

Don't stay bogged down to long in situations, when you know you or it is going nowhere, and nothing to solve it is being helped by others, for maybe it is their agenda and not yours.

Research, question, analyze, calculate before going forward for regret is a bad feeling and will eat on you as does past failures, but that is learning, getting knocked down and keep getting up, resilience

Try in your life not to age too quickly, knowing what are antiaging techniques, through nutrition, supplementation, and herbal remedies. Eastern ways are better than western, but again, all things are universal and interchangeable in life with an open mind and free thought.

Keep your sense of humor, for if you can not laugh at yourself, you might be the problem or be your own problem in living life to its fullest.

Never run out of ideas, keep the mind cranking at all times one day at a time.

Be quick to put others at ease, stay calm and cool, collected, in anger, nothing is thought out clearly anyway.

Stay refined, always trying to get better at what you do and how you live.

Be gentle with those who are weaker than you, younger than you, and be strong-willed to stand up to those or things that would suppress the weak, vulnerable, gullible and those who do not know why or comprehend what they are going through in their sufferings. Be their strength, in the same bring them to a higher level to help themselves and to change who they are, again, only they have the ability to do so, you are just giving them the tools to do so.

Most important, stay away from control freaks, fanatics, extremist, prohibitionist, con artist, money grubbers, and toxic people who hinder your movement forward and manipulate your freedoms, well being, and self-esteem.


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