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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Part 1, Frockman Philosophy

Money matters, it is what fuels the fire along one's journey, but greed and conning pollutes it.

Don't tread on other's freedoms if they are not harming no one or pushing their own agenda on someone else.

Be mysterious in your ways, for only you know you, the truth and your journey's path in life.

Regenerate quickly, but get away from what is holding you down or back, toxic people, environment, etc.

Radiate yourself in being happy so others can observe and wonder why and ask

Be excited and a visionary unto yourself and what life has missioned you so others can see the example

Never be bored, always occupy your brain with something, but find time for yourself to gather in all in a quiet place or a place to be alone to gather your thoughts and plan ahead. Too many times, there is no time, and we lose our way without finding self-time by being driven by others.

The past is your reference, you must live the fullest for the now and plan ahead by using that past reference not to repeat the same again, for the situations you found yourself in the past, were lessons.

Be realistic, logical, reasonable, a listener and always give feedback in breaking down a problem in life or looking upon issues in the world, in balance, not too far right or too far left, for this is fanaticism and extreme being overwhelmed by one philosophy.

It is all about the mind and where it takes you in finding yourself and in directing your path, but do this with the flow, for it is impossible to know all, control it and keep up with it all.

Be astute to practical matters, keen in thought, piercing in your drive towards achieving what you want, malicious and bad if you have to, to counteract what is holding you back or someone trying to control your path in life and goals. 

Communication is important, but never overbearing to one side, both sides must listen to the other, it is called debate, noncensorship and freedom of thought that made countries great and people.

Be in deep thought, free thought, know your enemy as did Patton with Rommel on the battlefield, for Patton re his book, room for reconsideration, and keep an open mind to new ideas.

Keep big heart for those with less than you do and not greedy and looking down upon them, for you are degrading their condition that one day might find you there, but to learn from them why they are there so you may never get there.

Find time to spend with nature for it is where you originated from and you are still a part of in a modern world.

Keep up with current events and issues in the world, but don't over think and saturate your mind with information that you can't take in, time must be found to expound on knowledge but in time, in the best setting or time alone without distraction.

The sky is the limit in your life, not being boxed in without knowing the possibilities outside the box. For if others control you, institutes control you, issues or spending too much time on them, you are limited in ever knowing what if.

Love your music, for sometimes it will talk directly at you, relax you, make you happy, make you think and undull the senses. Sing with it and put yourself in with it if it says who you are or what you think about in the issue of the song, the meaning and the meaning to you.

Feel your way around issues or what is fed to you in thought, philosophy, influenced or manipulated towards. Investigate it yourself through research, analyzation, remember, "question more for yourself, for as a human, you were never meant to be programmed by any source in that matter.

Give it you're all in everything you do, but don't burn out in the process, not good for your health.

Stand your ground, once you have researched an issue, learned from it, reasoned with it through logic, before debating it so the input and output are high quality in the debate or solving the problem with a team. Don't shoot from the hip and waste time and ammo.

Respect others cultures, religions, philosophies, beliefs, where they have been, what they are going through, what they can and cannot help, for you don't what it is like to be them and vice versa. There is a reason you are where you are, either through lesson or mission not with your greed and self-centered ways.

Beliefs and life are practical in practice, involving, in action to one's own ethics and morals, in dreams or goals one might have avoided being steered in other directions by manipulation of others or being conned into for their benefit. Adapting to the direction being formed by you, being worked and planned by you, for it is you not them in maintaining yourself that you know best to help others in your journey of lessons and lessons you teach others but not to control which way they are going, You are a sponge and critical thinker as they are, remember this, an if you have experienced what they have and they have not but knowing you have been, they will listen and learn as you have.

Be diplomatic and don't fight the issue, for diplomacy is cheaper, takes time but is less destructive than war without fallout or backlash. 

Set your own standards, ethics, morals according to where you have been, what you have been taught, your roots of where you are from, stay within the boundaries of your civilization of laws though, when in Rome, do as the Romans do in law, for that is one element to stay away from if you wish to remain free. Live with your morals, ethics, and morals in solitude, for they are your standard not to be infringed upon others unless these standards, ethics or morals are the same as one other that matches your, in this aspect respect others standards, morals, and ethics.

It is your journey and no one else's, nothing forced to learn, not one controlling you, if they do, resist. It is your likes and dislikes that make you who you are learning in process of the negative and positive people, the choices in media, friends, subjects, the market, what you buy, for the whole world is and market and it should be free to spread choice around the world ever forming all good and bad but always fine-tuning back to the middle.

Freedom of expression and opinions should not be suppressed in any civilization, by the government, institution, prohibition, monopolization, oligarchical programming, fascism, socialism. A free market, free medium, free world, and democracy will determine that in any form.

Desires and passions should be attainable without hindrance from others, institutions, fanaticism, prohibitions, extremisms or fanaticism. What sells is acceptable according to a free worldwide market. 

Let your conscience be your guide and adapt to change accordingly.

Be of good nature and good cheer in the right moments.

Backup plans to back up plans. Always think ahead, plan ahead for the what ifs, nothing in life or how you live it is guaranteed, by anybody, anything, or any group. 


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