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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Global Warming and Climate Change, Plant a Tree, Carbon is Plant Food, The Earths Allergies and Adaptation of Human Interference

Global warming, or climate change, is an increase in the earth's atmospheric temperature since the late nineteenth century. In politics, the debate over global warming is centered on whether this increase in temperature is due to greenhouse gas emissions or is the result of a natural pattern in the earth's temperature.  

Thing is trees live off carbon, plant more trees. The energy market should be nonsubsidized, a market controlled by consumers through supply and demand. There is a debate about global warming or climate change, bad and good, and we have had extremes in our weather in the last century and it is supported by over 92% of the global scientist in the world. But there is also another positive side to global warming or climate change in the way crop yields, some regions being able now to substitute for other crops, such as new growing season patterns in northern regions. For example crop yields and what crops that can be grown in Russia is on the increase. Permafrost and methane being released that can be harnessed into gas fields and is a renewable resource, the answer to our worldwide oil addiction. Anyway, I like the tropics. In any source, the earth will adapt, as such does the human body does. 

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