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Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Universal Basic Income, The End of Homelessness and People on the Streets, Enhancement of State Competition

A Universal Basic Income program is social security program where all citizens of a country receive a regular, unconditional sum of money from the government, in which would be a deterrent to homelessness in which no human being should have to suffer.  The funding for Universal Basic Income comes from taxation and government-owned entities including income from endowments, real estate, and natural resources. Several countries, including Finland, India, and Brazil, have experimented with a UBI system but have not implemented a permanent program. The longest running UBI system in the world is the Alaska Permanent Fund in the U.S. state of Alaska. In the Alaska Permanent Fund, each individual and family receives a monthly sum that is funded by dividends from the state’s oil revenues. Proponents of UBI argue that it will reduce or eliminate poverty by providing everyone with a basic income to cover housing and food. Opponents argue that a UBI would be detrimental to economies by encouraging people to either work less or drop out of the workforce entirely. So then, encourage immigration, well vetted and quoted of course and don't support a population control agenda. It could be determined by the states as Alaska does to where people might choose to live, the greedy vs the needy.

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