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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Women's Roles in the Army, Caretakers of Our Children, Our Populations Future, Rape by the Enemy and Distraction of Male Soldiers in Combat Unit Cohesion

In December 2015, the Pentagon announced that all combat roles would be opened to women. caretakers to our children, a plus to our population growth as a society. The roles include driving tanks, firing mortars, and leading infantry soldiers into combat. Women would also be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps Infantry and Air Force parajumpers. Proponents of women in combat argue that women have been serving in Afghanistan and Iraq for 15 years and preventing them from combat operations is discriminatory, but this is to avoid male distraction in jealousy factors through males competing for attention, risk of rape by the enemy and the males overwhelming bid to protect the woman instead of the average soldier as priority, cohesion in the unit would be interfered with within the unit during combat, Opponents argue that allowing women to serve in these roles would limit the military's ability to fight in combat situations.  

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