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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Nicola Benedetti - The Lark Ascending

Tea For Two - Jane Monheit

The Repeat of History and Rebooting of the World Geopolitical System, Wars, OIl Addiction, Human Capital Maintenance

Of course, expectations that another global economic collapse will happen among the general population are probably low right now, but the reality of the matter is that we are probably closer to a new one erupting than at any point since the last economic collapse and stock market crash in 2008.  Since the last financial crisis, our long-term debt problems have just continued to grow, and there are many that believe that the next economic crisis will actually be far worse than what we experienced ten years ago. What is odd is the wars we fight, when diplomacy is cheaper than war and conflict. Not working through the United Nations and coalitions to solve world problems. Our addiction to oil has cost us more in budget expenditures than prices we pay at the gas pump. Why cut human capital maintenance in the form of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare to a Universal Income that would prevent homelessness which should happen to no one. Oh, but we do not have enough people paying into the system, well that is where immigration and not promoting population controls come in to build the domestic programs back up.
An economic collapse is essentially a severe version of an economic depression, where an economy is in complete distress for years, or possibly even decades. A total economic collapse is characterized by economic depression, civil unrest and highly increased poverty levels, something we are seeing today from greed and having no compassion for fellow human beings. The Great Depression in the United States is a prime example of an economic collapse. The 1929 stock market crash brought on a collapse that lasted for many years and saw high levels of poverty. Like the Fed and the President, tariffs were placed on many foreign products and the dollar was kept high by the Fed with interest rate hikes, something Trump wants to keep down and do away with all tariffs around the world, but trade wars are not the way to go. Well-known economist John Maynard Keynes claimed this was from the total lack of government involvement in the economy or the financial markets. Maybe an argument for the VAT and doing away with the income taxes. A stock market crash is a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market,brung on by decades of population controls, anti immigration, protectionism, tariffs or keeping the dollar down long enough controlled by interest rates policies and income inequity. Crashes are driven by panic as much as by underlying economic factors. They often follow speculative stock market bubbles. A world consumer driven, free trade, no tariff, unsubsidized, supply and demand without over regulation is the right formula.

John Legend - Save Room (Video)

FtS 10-31: Trump will send 15,000 troops to the border with Mexico

EACH HIS OWN by Akon (lyrics) HQ

What is Democracy?

Democracy means many types, many meanings. Basically is a free electoral system with an array of political parties to choose from. Not America, Russia or China where the political system either controlled by its leaders, monopolized or controlled by corporations and a 2 party system. We are not a democracy by a long shot when only two parties control both chambers, In many countries, such as European. Italy, for example, had 33+ parties in its parliament. The president has to form a coalition party and does not get to pick his cabinet. He is forced to compromise according to how the vote comes out in the parliament.

John Anderson-1959(with lyrics)

Bob Dylan Positively 4th Street subtitulada en español e inglés.

Van Morrison 'Got To Go Where The Love Is' (Lyric Video)

Under the Boardwalk, We'll Be Having Some Fun and Making Some Love Under the Boardwalk

All-4-One - I Can Love You Like That

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Charlotte Church - Jerusalem (Live From Jerusalem 2001)

Patsy Cline. San Antonio Rose. 1961.The one you've waited for. enjoy

Patsy Cline. San Antonio Rose. 1961.The one you've waited for. enjoy

Mac Wiseman - - Old Folks At Home - - { Live 1978 }

I Don't Want To Set the World On Fire - The Ladybugs

Mueller's Team Calls For FBI Probe Into Sexual Assault Claims

Tanya Tucker - Without you, what do I do with me (lyrics)

President Trump goes one-on-one with Laura Ingraham

Trump's immigration fix: How do you change the Constitution?

Monday, October 29, 2018

How to Max Your Social Security Income When You Retire

How Does Social Security Really Work?

Dems Propose 'College For All' Act!

Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill To Increase Social Security

Bernie Sanders speaks on Capitol Hill

Trump proposes massive cuts to Medicaid

President Trump's Budget Slashes Billions From Medicaid, Social Security...

Simply Red - Sunrise

Charlotte Church - The Holy City (Live From Jerusalem 2001)

05 The Breeze and I. Bruce Welch's Shadows

Dollar moves lower after Trump critiques Fed over rates

Stock Markets Will CRASH If Central Banks Raise Interest Rates! There’s ...

Woman bomber blows herself up in Tunisia

5,200 US Troops Heading to the Border to Meet Immigrant Caravan

Jefferson Starship - Runaway (with lyrics)

As racial hate groups rise, strategies to shut them down

Who are the Three Percenters?

Top 10 Natural Blood Thinners to Prevent Blood Clots

God Speed Your Love To Me, Unchained Melody

Marty Mone - Any Chance (OFFICIAL VIDEO)


Open Borders: A Libertarian Reappraisal | Lew Rockwell

5 Ways The U.S. Mental Health Care System Is In Crisis

Johnny Cash - We'll Meet Again

Eagles I can't tell you why original video

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Steve Kornacki Dives Into Early Voting Patterns In Key Midterm States | ...

US foiled bomb plots: "Both sides of the political divide are believing ...

Tariffs and Trade Wars with China, Why Not Do The Same to them?

A tariff is a tax levied on the import and exports of goods in international trade. The U.S. currently trades over $590 billion in goods with China every year. In 2015 China exported $466 billion worth of goods to the U.S. and imported $123 billion worth of U.S. goods. The 2015 China - U.S. trade imbalance of 344% is a new world record. During the 2016 Presidential race, Donald Trump proposed levying a 45% tariff on China and any other U.S. trade partner which violates trade deals through currency manipulation and illegal export subsidies. So I ask why not us do the same here, we can manipulate our dollar though lowing interest rates, instead of a trade war? Why cannot we make our products desirable to other countries? This is where government and business must work together to compete in a global economy, Tariffs and trade wars do not solve the problem. Most of America's low income brackets shop at Walmart, Target and Dollar Trees. Proponents of tariffs argue that China breaks trade rules by subsidizing its exports, manipulating its currency and stealing intellectual property from the U.S. and other western countries. Opponents argue that tariffs will cause a dramatic rise in the cost of goods, create inflation and raise interest rates. But again, it might destabilize China into a new revolution in breaking up communism, if things get bad in China. 

Tax You Until You Die, The Estate Tax Explained

The estate tax is a tax that is levied on all property that is declared in a deceased person’s will. The tax is also known as the “inheritance tax” or “death tax.” In 2016, the estate tax rate is 40% and only applies to estates with a value greater than $5.45 million. In 2015 5,300 estates in the U.S. were subject to the tax and paid $18.4 billion in taxes, this tax harms the businesses that employ others which has an impact on those employees and families, it should be abolished altogether, why should they tax you for dying? Proponents of the tax, including Hillary Clinton, argue that more estates should be subject to the tax and the threshold should be lowered from $5.45 million to $3.5 million. Opponents of the tax, including Donald Trump, argue that people who have paid income taxes their entire life should not be subject to another tax when they die.  

Should Government Intervene in Recessions With Economic Stimulus Packages or Acts

An economic stimulus is a monetary or fiscal policy enacted by governments with the intent of stabilizing their economies during a fiscal crisis, but this was only done for big corporations, not small businesses and the common citizen who got holding the bag with losses in their properties and 401K investments.. The policies include an increase in government spending on infrastructure, tax cuts and lowering interest rates. In response to the 2008 financial crisis, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Act included increased spending on energy, infrastructure, education, health, and unemployment benefits. The Act will cost an estimated $787 billion through 2019.  

Taxes on Stocks, Bonds and Properties, Increase or Decrease or Abolish

Capital gains are the profits earned from the sale of stocks, bonds, and properties. Investment managers pay a 15 to 20 percent capital gains tax on profits earned from their customers’ holdings. Investing in an economy or you trying to make a better retirement for yourself or family, should not be penalized. Supporters of the increase argue that capital gains should be taxed like any other income and should be raised to at least 31.5% (the average U.S. tax rate). Opponents of an increase argue that taxing capital gains will discourage investments in the U.S. economy and prohibit growth. 

Off Shore Banking Accounts of the Rich

An offshore (or foreign) bank account is a bank account you have outside of your country of residence. The benefits of an offshore bank account include tax reduction, privacy, currency diversification, asset protection from lawsuits, and reducing your political risk. In April 2016, Wikileaks released 11.5 million confidential documents, known as the Panama Papers, which provided detailed information on 214,000 offshore companies serviced by the Panamanian Law Firm, Mossack Fonesca. The document exposed how world leaders and wealthy individuals hide money in secret offshore tax shelters. The release of the documents renewed proposals for laws banning the use of offshore accounts and tax havens. Proponents of the of the ban argue they should be outlawed because they have a long history of being vehicles for tax evasion, money laundering, illicit arms dealing and funding terrorism. Opponents of the ban argue that punitive regulations will make it harder for American companies to compete and will further discourage businesses from locating and investing in the United States.  

Protecting American Jobs and Taxes, Dollar Manipulation

In March 2016, the Carrier air conditioning company announced it would move 1,400 jobs from the U.S. state of Indiana to Mexico. In November 2016 U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and Carrier announced a deal which would keep 1,000 jobs in Indiana in exchange for $7 million in tax breaks. Proponents argue that the deal prevented jobs from moving overseas and will help grow the U.S. economy. Opponents argue that the deal will encourage more private companies to make threats about job losses in exchange for tax breaks. Reducing corporate tax rates, business taxes and the Fed reducing interest rates would fix this in bringing down the dollar so companies would stay in the US.

Farm Subsidies, Good or Bad and for Whom?

A farm subsidy is a form of financial aid paid to farmers by the government reducing the farmer's ability to determine how much should be produced, bad idea. The purpose of the aid can be to supplement their income or influence the cost and supply of agricultural products. The U.S. government pays farmers more than $20 Billion a year in farm subsidies. Proponents argue that the subsidies are necessary since net farm income has declined by 32% between 2014 and 2015 do to global competition. But if this changed, you would see high inflation in food prices. Opponents argue that the farmers should fend for themselves and point out that 2,300 farmers who do not grow crops receive annual subsidies.  

Tariffs, Inflation, Dollar Manipulation, Zero Tariffs and the Value Added Tax

In February 2018, President Trump pledged to impose a 25% tariff on steel imports and a 10% tariff aluminum imports into the U.S, which creates inflation on many products, but especially on the construction sector of the economy. A tariff is a tax on imports or exports between countries, in fact, it is protectionism. The proposed tariffs would increase the cost of aluminum and steel imports into the United States. In promoting the plan, Trump predicted that the tariffs would revive the U.S. steel and aluminum industries which were heavily concentrated in the industrial Midwest. Supporters of the tariffs argue that U.S. steel and aluminum manufacturers have been wiped out due to low-cost competition from foreign manufacturers. Supporters note that governments in countries like Japan and China provide subsidies to manufacturers, but how can they afford to sell and dump it in the USA, the all mighty dollar, manipulated by interest rates controlled by the fed. These subsidies, they argue, allow the manufacturers to then undercut the price of U.S. manufacturers. Supporters include Republicans and Democrats from the Midwest and unions who represent factory workers. Opponents argue that the tariffs will hurt U.S. based manufacturers who need aluminum and steel to produce their products. Manufacturers of cars, boats, beer, chemicals, and oil pipelines stated that they would be forced to raise prices in order to absorb the higher costs imposed by the tariffs as on any tax businesses figure in on business taxes. Tariffs should be zero all around the world. VAT consumption tax would be better. In that way, it would make government and business work closer together for each other's benefits.

Time and Half, Good or Bad

In May 2016, the Obama Administration announced new regulations that would increase the number of American entitled to receive time-and-a-half overtime pay. Salaried workers who earn up to $46,476 per year are now entitled to earn time-and-a-half pay when they work more than 40 hours per week. The previous regulations, issued in 2004, set the threshold for overtime pay at $23,660. The Labor Department estimates that 4.2 million workers will become newly eligible for overtime pay under the new regulations. Proponents argue that the rule is necessary due to inflation and note that only 7% of salaried workers currently qualify for overtime pay in 2015, down sharply from 60% in 1975. Opponents argue that the new rules will hurt employers and incentivize them to cut their employee’s hours.  Actually, there should be no limitations on how many people a company holds or time and a half they give them. Time and a half stagnates hiring of other people who should not be unemployed, in saying the unemployment rate should be 0 and maintained at that as much as possible. 

Unions, Hurt or Help Economies

Labor unions represent workers in many industries in the United States, in keeping wages high and sometimes infiltrated by teamsters or mafia. A form of nationalism per say. Their role is to bargain over wages, benefits, working conditions for their membership. Larger unions also typically engage in lobbying activities and electioneering at the state and federal level.  

More or Less Spending on Welfare?

In 2011 the level of public spending on the welfare state by the British Government accounted for £113.1 billion, or 16% of government. By 2020 welfare spending will rise to 1/3rd of all spending making it the largest expense followed by housing benefit, council tax benefit, benefits to the unemployed, and benefits to people with low incomes. But then I have to argue, what happens to maintain human capital and giving others a jump start back in life. Welfare competes with churches in taking care of the poor or converting someone their way. $$$$. How about reduce military spending and bring more of the money back home in our addiction to keep oil supported and promoted. How about looking at government expenditures and inefficiency in spending the taxpayer's money?

Mergers, Increased Prices, Inflation, Oligarchies and Monopolizing Economic Sectors

In October 2016 AT&T announced that it intended to buy Time Warner Cable for $84.5 billion. The merger would create one of the biggest media companies in the history of the U.S. The announcement sparked criticism from Congressional Democrats and Republicans who argued that huge corporate mergers create monopolies which prevent competition. Competition is what drives economies and businesses to do better in a global economy, these type of mergers should not be allowed and rationed to a percentage of the market in the national economy in which it is in. Since President Obama took office his administration has prevented several mega-mergers from taking place including Sprint and T-Mobile, AT&T and T-Mobile and Allergan and Pfizer. In 2015 $3.8 trillion dollar’s worth of mergers and acquisitions occurred which made it the largest year for corporate consolidation in the history of the U.S. Mergers are only created to raise prices on the consumer, driving up inflation and scarcity to those who should be able to afford the service or product within that economic sector. Free trade should not be stifled in this effect with foreign competitors. Consumers should have access to any world product at a competitive price according to world supply and demand. Proponents of mergers argue that the government should not interfere with corporations and the free market should be allowed to run its own course.  

The Universal Basic Income, The End of Homelessness and People on the Streets, Enhancement of State Competition

A Universal Basic Income program is social security program where all citizens of a country receive a regular, unconditional sum of money from the government, in which would be a deterrent to homelessness in which no human being should have to suffer.  The funding for Universal Basic Income comes from taxation and government-owned entities including income from endowments, real estate, and natural resources. Several countries, including Finland, India, and Brazil, have experimented with a UBI system but have not implemented a permanent program. The longest running UBI system in the world is the Alaska Permanent Fund in the U.S. state of Alaska. In the Alaska Permanent Fund, each individual and family receives a monthly sum that is funded by dividends from the state’s oil revenues. Proponents of UBI argue that it will reduce or eliminate poverty by providing everyone with a basic income to cover housing and food. Opponents argue that a UBI would be detrimental to economies by encouraging people to either work less or drop out of the workforce entirely. So then, encourage immigration, well vetted and quoted of course and don't support a population control agenda. It could be determined by the states as Alaska does to where people might choose to live, the greedy vs the needy.

Corporate Taxes, World Competition, Foreign Investment in the US and the Manipulation of the Dollar

The U.S. currently levies a 35% tax rate at the federal level and an average tax of 4% at the state and local level. The average corporate tax rate worldwide is 22.6%. Opponents of argue that raising the rate will discourage foreign investment and hurt the economy. Proponents argue that the profits corporations generate should be taxed just like citizen’s taxes.  Corporate tax should be determined in comparison to other countries since now, we are in a global economy and competition with other countries. On top of this, the other competition is the currency. In the US, we keep our dollar propped up with interest rate manipulation from the fed and through it being tied to oil. If countries cannot afford to buy our products, how will manufacturing come back to this country?

Wage Determinations According to Gender

In 2014 the U.S. Senate blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act which would make it illegal for employers to pay unequal wages to men and women who perform the same work, but this should not be based on sex origin, it should be based on the determined quality of the worker, achievement and productivity. The goals of the act were to make wages more transparent, require employers to prove that wage discrepancies are tied to legitimate business qualifications and not gender and prohibiting companies from taking retaliatory action against employees who raise concerns about gender-based wage discrimination. Opponents argue that studies which show pay gaps don’t take into account women who take jobs that are more family-friendly in terms of benefits rather than wages and that women are more likely to take breaks in employment to care for children or parents. Proponents point to studies including a 2008 census bureau report that stated that women's median annual earnings were 77.5% of men's earnings.  

Should Welfare Recipients Be Tested for Drug Use

5 U.S. states have passed laws requiring welfare recipients to be tested for drugs. Proponents argue that testing will prevent public funds from being used to subsidize drugs habits and help get treatment for those that are addicted to drugs. plus gangs and drug dealer and the drug cartels would profit from a government subsidy at your expense the taxpayer.  Opponents argue that it is a waste of money since the tests will cost more money than they save.  See recent welfare drug tests news

Paid Maternity and Childcare Leave

Several major U.S. companies including Netflix, Chipotle and Microsoft recently began offering their employees paid sick and maternity leave, which is all well and good, if the company can afford it and still be able to compete with its simular competitors in the same economic sectors. The U.S. is currently the only industrialized country that doesn’t require companies to provide sick leave to their employees, but in these countries, the sectors are very heavily subsidized and in these countries, there are very high sales taxes. 35% of American workers do not receive any type of paid sick leave in the US.  

Debate Over Federal Minimum Wage

The federal minimum wage is the lowest wage at which employers may pay their employees. Since July 24, 2009, the U.S. federal minimum wage has been set at $7.25 per hour, but in debating this case, wages should be determined by supply and demand for those services, products, and economic factors. In 2014 President Obama proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 and tying it to an inflation index. The federal minimum wage applies to all federal employees including those who work on military bases, national parks and veterans working in nursing homes.  

US Government Public Debt and Deficit, Reduce Spending or Cuts to the Public Sectors, Social Security as a Slush Fund

Proponents of deficit reduction argue that governments who do not control budget deficits and debt are at risk of losing their ability to borrow money at affordable rates. But if would take away our dependence on oil, become self-sufficient in our energy sectors, stop trying to be the world's policemen and an empire, maybe we can cut back on this, instead of cutting on the backs of the poor and elderly. Take a deep look at how efficient our government is spending money through departmental audit, maybe instead of cutting spending, we could save money at looking for ways to spending the taxpayer's money better. An example is that the Social Security that all of us put into, and is used to purchase 30-year treasury notes, you are buying debt, an investment, that the government uses as a slush fund, why cut that?  Opponents of deficit reduction argue that government spending would increase demand for goods and services and help avert a dangerous fall into deflation, a downward spiral in wages and prices that can cripple an economy for years. Anyway, if any cuts are made, it should be across the board thought all departments.

Fracking, Underground Water, Alternatives to Fracking

Fracking is the process of extracting oil or natural gas from shale rock. Water, sand, and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which fractures the rock and allows the oil or gas to flow out to a well. While fracking has significantly boosted oil production, there are environmental concerns that the process is contaminating groundwater. This is all and good, but it can be substituted in many ways in allowing drilling on federal land and in that case, any activity that would increase a resource for the American economy. Fracking has been known or blamed for many small earthquakes throughout the US and damage aquafers. In the case of oil, this is OK to wean ourselves off the dependence of OPEC oil. In the case of natural gas, methane, which can be abstracted from garbage dumps, swamps and melting permafrost, fracking is not necessary.

Drilling for Oil and Gas Off America's Coastlines

In 1990 President George H.W. Bush passed an executive order banning all offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters. Smart move. NOT! The reason we are fighting a war in the Middle East and paying high gas prices at the pump is one of these reasons. Offshore drilling should be permitted to extend in US claimed waters so as to become oil independent. This should include any resource any deposits of energy and minerals to include fish. In response to rising gas prices in 2008, President George W. Bush lifted the ban, guess we learned something here? Currently, there are 3,500 offshore oil rigs, 79 of which are deep 

Subsidized Energy, NOT!

As of July 2013, nearly 4% of all electricity generated in the U.S. is produced by wind turbines. By installing wind turbines on their properties farmers can earn up to tens of thousands of dollars per year in tax credits. Since 2008 these tax credits have amounted to more than $14 Billion. No energies should be subsidized by the government that stifles competition in the world marketplace. Let the world consumer have a choice in the energy market determining price, supply and demand determine this factor.

Dakota Pipe Line, American Indian Land, The Need for Oil

The Dakota Access pipeline is a 1,172-mile oil pipeline that stretches through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and southern Illinois. The pipeline would allow oil companies to transport crude oil from North Dakota to oil refineries along the Eastern Seaboard. The pipeline’s construction was permitted by the participating state governments under eminent domain. Opponents of the pipeline (including several Native American tribes, which could have gone around the reservations, I mean has not enough land been taken from the American Indian? The debate is that the pipeline has the potential to pollute their water supply and destroy Native American burial sites. Proponents argue that the pipeline is necessary for the U.S. to achieve energy independence, which is. Brings to the thought, why not a water pipeline from Alaska and Canada to the breadbasket of the USA? 

Paris Climate Accords, Fairness in the System Across the Board in Requirements, Carbon is a Tree and Plant Food Etc

In June 2017, President Trump announced that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris climate accord in an effort to boost the nation’s industry and energy independence, in saying this, I hope a market based on consumer choice in energy products without subsidies to prop up the fossil fuel companies, discouraging alternative energies.  Price, world free market, supply, and demand should determine any market and the world energy market should be no exception to this. Mr. Trump argued that the climate accord was unfair to the U.S. since the agreement imposed easier restrictions on China and India who lead the world in carbon emissions, plant a tree, grow some plants, increase biofuels etc. Opponents of the climate agreement argue that it unfairly penalizes U.S. energy companies and consumers by imposing restrictions on domestic energy production. Proponents of the climate accord argue that exiting it sets back decades of diplomatic efforts by the U.S. government to reduce worldwide. If anything if big oil had competition from other energy forces, we would not have to fight expensive Middle East Wars, and we would not have to cut Social Security or welfare of human capital at home etc. Oh........yeah, the dollar was tied to oil and taken off the gold standard in 1973, funny at the time, he was in China opening up diplomatic relations.

Global Warming and Climate Change, Plant a Tree, Carbon is Plant Food, The Earths Allergies and Adaptation of Human Interference

Global warming, or climate change, is an increase in the earth's atmospheric temperature since the late nineteenth century. In politics, the debate over global warming is centered on whether this increase in temperature is due to greenhouse gas emissions or is the result of a natural pattern in the earth's temperature.  

Thing is trees live off carbon, plant more trees. The energy market should be nonsubsidized, a market controlled by consumers through supply and demand. There is a debate about global warming or climate change, bad and good, and we have had extremes in our weather in the last century and it is supported by over 92% of the global scientist in the world. But there is also another positive side to global warming or climate change in the way crop yields, some regions being able now to substitute for other crops, such as new growing season patterns in northern regions. For example crop yields and what crops that can be grown in Russia is on the increase. Permafrost and methane being released that can be harnessed into gas fields and is a renewable resource, the answer to our worldwide oil addiction. Anyway, I like the tropics. In any source, the earth will adapt, as such does the human body does. 

Women's Roles in the Army, Caretakers of Our Children, Our Populations Future, Rape by the Enemy and Distraction of Male Soldiers in Combat Unit Cohesion

In December 2015, the Pentagon announced that all combat roles would be opened to women. caretakers to our children, a plus to our population growth as a society. The roles include driving tanks, firing mortars, and leading infantry soldiers into combat. Women would also be able to serve as Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Corps Infantry and Air Force parajumpers. Proponents of women in combat argue that women have been serving in Afghanistan and Iraq for 15 years and preventing them from combat operations is discriminatory, but this is to avoid male distraction in jealousy factors through males competing for attention, risk of rape by the enemy and the males overwhelming bid to protect the woman instead of the average soldier as priority, cohesion in the unit would be interfered with within the unit during combat, Opponents argue that allowing women to serve in these roles would limit the military's ability to fight in combat situations.  

Planned Parenthood, Funding of Abortions, Government Subsidizing of 40% of Their Budget

Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization and should not profit off the government but only through philanthropy. This is what Medicaid is for. It provides reproductive health services in the United States and internationally. In 2014, federal and state governments provided the organization with $528 million in funding (40% of its annual budget). The majority of this funding comes from Medicaid which subsidizes reproductive healthcare for low-income women. In 2014, abortions accounted for 3% of the services they provided, the care of the child and the treatment of a mother should be funded, but not abortion and population control policies. The majority of the other services include screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases and infections and providing contraception. Proponents of funding argue that federal funding for Planned Parenthood does not pay for abortions and that the vast majority of government funding that the organization receives is through Medicaid reimbursements. Opponents of funding argue that the government should not fund any organizations that provide abortions.  

Abortion, Family Welfare, Subsidizing for the Family Unit and Children

Abortion is a medical procedure resulting in the termination of a human pregnancy and death of a fetus, in other words, killing an unborn life, as you were not aborted so one can live their life without children. Abortion was banned in 30 states until the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. The ruling made abortion legal in all 50 states but gave them regulatory powers over when abortions could be performed during a pregnancy. This stymies a population growth of any culture and harms social safety nets for their civilizations. The quick fix would be accepting more immigration or change our course on population control when the world will adapt one way or the other. Currently, all states must allow abortions early in pregnancies but may ban them in later trimesters. So here are the remedies. Increase populations through an increase in immigration but not illegal immigration, well vetted for the types of immigrants needed, outlaw abortion, making adoption easier and affordable for all, subsidizing people who have kids and making delivery of children free paid for by the state. Providing for the welfare of the family units through subsidization in food, schooling, and overall general welfare according to income. 

Authorization of Use of Military Force Act, For or Against

After September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks the U.S. Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force. The resolution authorizes the president to undertake a war against al-Qaeda, ISIS in any war in the Middle East and its affiliates without Congressional approval, but this has been put into overdrive, justifying any president to take any first steps into any country without authorization. This being good for the military complex and for the sales of weapons for destruction and displacing people called refugees. I can say that ISIS needed to be eradicated, but why not do it shortly in sync with other country cooperations and footing part of the bill. Since 2001 the law has been used to approve military conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. Proponents argue that the law is necessary to give the President the powers to act quickly in order to prevent another terrorist attack, but then again, we have domestic terrorism to through gangs, hate groups, crime, drug cartels, etc, why is the emphasis so much on Muslimes? On the U.S. Opponents argue that all U.S. military conflicts should have Congressional approval and this act has been used in military conflicts that have nothing to do with al-Qaeda and ISIS. We as a country can find ways to cut corners and bring the rest of the neighborhood into the fight. We need to pay attention to our yard first, instead of someones a block away.

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Friday, October 26, 2018

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The Word Parasite and Who Uses the Word

Words-parasites as a mirror of the soul 
Have you paid attention to the "weeds" in conversation with the interlocutor? Do you know what they mean? 
"Actually," is a word found in insecure people. But, unlike "By the way", these individuals can throw a scandal from scratch. True, they do it because of their uncertainty. 
"In short" is an indicator of haste, aggression, nervousness. Most likely, the person who uses this word has a choleric type of temperament. This word is also often found in very talkative people. 
"By the way" - this word is most often used by those people who really lack attention. They usually feel uncomfortable in a new company, and try to cover up their embarrassment with this word.
"Type" and "So" like to use in the speech of these conservatives. They are generally against everything new and unknown to them, and they can always prove their opinion by resorting to an aggressive style of conversation. 
"As if" is a creative nature. Such a person often spends time in his own world. It is with this expression that such people unconsciously emphasize their essence, their attitude to life. 
Be careful. 

They Saw Me Crying in the Chapel

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

John Hartford (RIP) - Big Rock Candy Mountain (Oh Brother)

Round Up Linked to Many Diseases

We’re living in two worlds, you and I. There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media. Indeed, what most Americans perceive as life in America—privileged, progressive and free—is a far cry from reality, where economic inequality is growing, real agendas and real power are buried beneath layers of Orwellian doublespeak and corporate obfuscation, and “freedom,” such that it is, is meted out in small, legalistic doses by militarized police armed to the teeth. All is not as it seems. We’re being fed a series of carefully contrived fictions that bear no resemblance to reality. The powers-that-be want us to feel threatened by forces beyond our control (terrorists, shooters, bombers). They want us afraid and dependent on the government and its militarized armies for our safety and well-being. They want us distrustful of each other, divided by our prejudices, and at each other’s throats. Most of all, they want us to continue to march in lockstep with their dictates. Tune out the government’s attempts to distract, divert and befuddle us and tune into what’s really going on in this country, and you’ll run headlong into an unmistakable, unpalatable truth: the moneyed elite who rule us view us as expendable resources to be used, abused and discarded. So where does that leave us? We need to wake up. Stop allowing yourselves to be easily distracted by pointless political spectacles and pay attention to what’s really going on in the country. The real battle for control of this nation is not being waged between Republicans and Democrats in the ballot box. The real battle for control of this nation is taking place on roadsides, in police cars, on witness stands, over phone lines, in government offices, in corporate offices, in public school hallways and classrooms, in parks and city council meetings, and in towns and cities across this country. The real battle between freedom and tyranny is taking place right in front of our eyes if we would only open them. All the trappings of the American police state are now in plain sight. Wake up, America. If they live (the tyrants, the oppressors, the invaders, the overlords), it is only because “we the people” sleep. Click below to read more. And as always, please help us speak truth to power: like, share, comment and donate to The Rutherford Institute to keep this good work going. 

Led Zeppelin: Tangerine 5/24/1975 HD

The Hollies "Look Through Any Window"

Claire Lynch sings Wabash Cannonball on Santa Cruz Live


If it wasn't for the 'ouses in between

Sunday, October 21, 2018


Chuck Berry Roll Over Beethoven

Céline Dion - Think Twice (Video)

Everything Happens to Me - Chet Baker

Manfred Max-Neef | Barefoot Economics [WUWE}

10 Minutes: Homelessness in America

10/ 10 Poorest U.S. Counties Are Republican

Chris Hedges: Sacrifice Zones of America

Bernie Sanders FURIOUS Speech Against President Trump at Rally in Michig...

Cenk Uygur vs Ben Shapiro LIVE at Politicon 2017

Trump, national politics affect Georgia gubernatorial race

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway

Dean Martin - Houston

Come Take My Hand and Walk Through This World With Me

Paul Carrack - I Live By The Groove (live)

Republicans Say They’re Gutting Social Security & Medicare To Pay For Ta...

Your Going to Cry 96 Tears

Why farmers are forcing climate change into the spotlight

Cliff Richard-Living Doll

Risk Associated With Iron Supplements

Tuesday, October 16, 2018



Clint Black - Been There

Why we're heading for a 'climate catastrophe' - BBC Newsnight

The Parallels between Rome and the United States

Frockman Philosophy Part 2

Look ahead of you, look who or what is behind you, what is standing in your way. Either they are there to lead you, follow you or they or it needs to get the hell out of the way.

Understand you are in charge of your own destiny, people you meet on the internet, people you are friends with, institutions you belong to, what you buy, what you promote, how you express yourself, all determines on the outcome.

Artificial guidance can most of the time be the best intelligence over human intelligence, for remembering human intelligence is always jealous of artificial intelligence and technologies which are new to the world, for they like the old and want to keep it conservative, less work for adaptation. 

Be independent and critical in thought, free thought and in a free spirit. Spiritual beliefs can be free, spontaneous, universal and all can be applied to modern spirituality to fit one's life. 

Be prideful, but not conceited and self-centered. Never be self-righteous or fanatical about anything. Free your mind and the rest will follow.

Be a good listener in a two-way conversation or debate and not overbearing, it is not to win it, it is to meet in the middle to solve the issue, there is no right or wrong answer, but solving according to both parties compromise. In business this is called negotiations, agreements to better each others agenda.

Learn to motivate yourself and others, but do not force it on them, for only they have to make the change, you are only there to elevate them to a higher level of conscience, but that is up to them. Same goes with you when others do so.

Again, lead, follow or get the hell out of the way and the same for oneself, Do not be a doomsayer or stagnation.

Have a strong will and do not be swayed easy, for it will attract con artist and money grubbers, users, and fanatics to you. Be your own person according to your values, ethics, and morals, without harming others in this process.

Be positive in thought, works, and deeds for your success is important. Also, your peace of mind and wealth and health which comes in many forms.

Don't stay bogged down to long in situations, when you know you or it is going nowhere, and nothing to solve it is being helped by others, for maybe it is their agenda and not yours.

Research, question, analyze, calculate before going forward for regret is a bad feeling and will eat on you as does past failures, but that is learning, getting knocked down and keep getting up, resilience

Try in your life not to age too quickly, knowing what are antiaging techniques, through nutrition, supplementation, and herbal remedies. Eastern ways are better than western, but again, all things are universal and interchangeable in life with an open mind and free thought.

Keep your sense of humor, for if you can not laugh at yourself, you might be the problem or be your own problem in living life to its fullest.

Never run out of ideas, keep the mind cranking at all times one day at a time.

Be quick to put others at ease, stay calm and cool, collected, in anger, nothing is thought out clearly anyway.

Stay refined, always trying to get better at what you do and how you live.

Be gentle with those who are weaker than you, younger than you, and be strong-willed to stand up to those or things that would suppress the weak, vulnerable, gullible and those who do not know why or comprehend what they are going through in their sufferings. Be their strength, in the same bring them to a higher level to help themselves and to change who they are, again, only they have the ability to do so, you are just giving them the tools to do so.

Most important, stay away from control freaks, fanatics, extremist, prohibitionist, con artist, money grubbers, and toxic people who hinder your movement forward and manipulate your freedoms, well being, and self-esteem.


Part 1, Frockman Philosophy

Money matters, it is what fuels the fire along one's journey, but greed and conning pollutes it.

Don't tread on other's freedoms if they are not harming no one or pushing their own agenda on someone else.

Be mysterious in your ways, for only you know you, the truth and your journey's path in life.

Regenerate quickly, but get away from what is holding you down or back, toxic people, environment, etc.

Radiate yourself in being happy so others can observe and wonder why and ask

Be excited and a visionary unto yourself and what life has missioned you so others can see the example

Never be bored, always occupy your brain with something, but find time for yourself to gather in all in a quiet place or a place to be alone to gather your thoughts and plan ahead. Too many times, there is no time, and we lose our way without finding self-time by being driven by others.

The past is your reference, you must live the fullest for the now and plan ahead by using that past reference not to repeat the same again, for the situations you found yourself in the past, were lessons.

Be realistic, logical, reasonable, a listener and always give feedback in breaking down a problem in life or looking upon issues in the world, in balance, not too far right or too far left, for this is fanaticism and extreme being overwhelmed by one philosophy.

It is all about the mind and where it takes you in finding yourself and in directing your path, but do this with the flow, for it is impossible to know all, control it and keep up with it all.

Be astute to practical matters, keen in thought, piercing in your drive towards achieving what you want, malicious and bad if you have to, to counteract what is holding you back or someone trying to control your path in life and goals. 

Communication is important, but never overbearing to one side, both sides must listen to the other, it is called debate, noncensorship and freedom of thought that made countries great and people.

Be in deep thought, free thought, know your enemy as did Patton with Rommel on the battlefield, for Patton re his book, room for reconsideration, and keep an open mind to new ideas.

Keep big heart for those with less than you do and not greedy and looking down upon them, for you are degrading their condition that one day might find you there, but to learn from them why they are there so you may never get there.

Find time to spend with nature for it is where you originated from and you are still a part of in a modern world.

Keep up with current events and issues in the world, but don't over think and saturate your mind with information that you can't take in, time must be found to expound on knowledge but in time, in the best setting or time alone without distraction.

The sky is the limit in your life, not being boxed in without knowing the possibilities outside the box. For if others control you, institutes control you, issues or spending too much time on them, you are limited in ever knowing what if.

Love your music, for sometimes it will talk directly at you, relax you, make you happy, make you think and undull the senses. Sing with it and put yourself in with it if it says who you are or what you think about in the issue of the song, the meaning and the meaning to you.

Feel your way around issues or what is fed to you in thought, philosophy, influenced or manipulated towards. Investigate it yourself through research, analyzation, remember, "question more for yourself, for as a human, you were never meant to be programmed by any source in that matter.

Give it you're all in everything you do, but don't burn out in the process, not good for your health.

Stand your ground, once you have researched an issue, learned from it, reasoned with it through logic, before debating it so the input and output are high quality in the debate or solving the problem with a team. Don't shoot from the hip and waste time and ammo.

Respect others cultures, religions, philosophies, beliefs, where they have been, what they are going through, what they can and cannot help, for you don't what it is like to be them and vice versa. There is a reason you are where you are, either through lesson or mission not with your greed and self-centered ways.

Beliefs and life are practical in practice, involving, in action to one's own ethics and morals, in dreams or goals one might have avoided being steered in other directions by manipulation of others or being conned into for their benefit. Adapting to the direction being formed by you, being worked and planned by you, for it is you not them in maintaining yourself that you know best to help others in your journey of lessons and lessons you teach others but not to control which way they are going, You are a sponge and critical thinker as they are, remember this, an if you have experienced what they have and they have not but knowing you have been, they will listen and learn as you have.

Be diplomatic and don't fight the issue, for diplomacy is cheaper, takes time but is less destructive than war without fallout or backlash. 

Set your own standards, ethics, morals according to where you have been, what you have been taught, your roots of where you are from, stay within the boundaries of your civilization of laws though, when in Rome, do as the Romans do in law, for that is one element to stay away from if you wish to remain free. Live with your morals, ethics, and morals in solitude, for they are your standard not to be infringed upon others unless these standards, ethics or morals are the same as one other that matches your, in this aspect respect others standards, morals, and ethics.

It is your journey and no one else's, nothing forced to learn, not one controlling you, if they do, resist. It is your likes and dislikes that make you who you are learning in process of the negative and positive people, the choices in media, friends, subjects, the market, what you buy, for the whole world is and market and it should be free to spread choice around the world ever forming all good and bad but always fine-tuning back to the middle.

Freedom of expression and opinions should not be suppressed in any civilization, by the government, institution, prohibition, monopolization, oligarchical programming, fascism, socialism. A free market, free medium, free world, and democracy will determine that in any form.

Desires and passions should be attainable without hindrance from others, institutions, fanaticism, prohibitions, extremisms or fanaticism. What sells is acceptable according to a free worldwide market. 

Let your conscience be your guide and adapt to change accordingly.

Be of good nature and good cheer in the right moments.

Backup plans to back up plans. Always think ahead, plan ahead for the what ifs, nothing in life or how you live it is guaranteed, by anybody, anything, or any group. 


Monday, October 15, 2018

Red Wing - The Steel Wheels (Official Video)

Religion, faith and the role they play today | The Economist

World needs to make near-revolutionary change to avoid imminent climate ...

The Beach Boys - Darlin (live 1980)

Global Warming Affects Crops, Food Supply

How Climate Change will Reduce Crop Yields and Spike Food Prices

'This is going to be devastating': GOP strategists panic as their party is getting badly outspent by Dems

'This is going to be devastating': GOP strategists panic as their party is getting badly outspent by Dems: Republican strategists across the country say they’re seeing a “green wave” of money boosting Democratic congressional candidates — and they’re preparing for what could be a brutal election night in November. Talking with the Associated Press, GOP strategist Terry Sullivan said that conservative donors have been holding back cash because they already believe saving the House is a lost cause. “This is going to be a devastating election for Republicans across the ballot,” he said. …

Friday, October 12, 2018

Crazy for Loving You

Marcos Hernandez - If You Were Mine

Gladys Knight - Since I Fell For You

Sunflower Slow Drag by Joplin/Hayden | Cory Hall, pianist-composer

"Peaches and Cream" ~ Rag Time Skedaddlers~ @ The WCRF ~ 2009

Eastern Thought The Middle East

EASTERN WISDOM (VI): ISLAM, ARABIC CIVILIZATION From the 8th to the 12th century the Islamic Empire, made up of many peoples, extending from the Pyrenees to the limits of China, preserved Hellenic science, enriched it with borrowings from Persia, India and even China, and finally transmitted it to the Latin West. Expelled from Europe by the Christians, driven from Asia by the Mongols, subjected to the Turks in Egypt, the Arabs lost contact with the Persians, the Syrians, the Christians and the Jews whose presence had played a vitalizing role in Arab culture. Thrown back upon themselves, they sank into a long torpor from which they were not aroused until the 19th century and the coming of the peoples of the West. How is this sleep of Islam to be explained? It was due to the fact that the Parsees, the Christians, the Jews and the Pagans who accepted the religion of Islam had done so more to be free from various onerous taxes than from any real conversion. The scholars who constituted the “Arab Miracle” were for the most part Syrians, Persians and Spaniards, peoples who were not Arab by blood, and had nothing of the Arab spirit. Once these alien elements were eliminated, the Islamic masses again fell under the yoke of their fanatical imams. From 1200 on, a theological reaction swept through Islam. There were no longer philosophers – the word itself became synonymous with ‘infidel’ – and only occasionally was there a scholar like the historian Ibn-Khaldun. The Turks, devoid of any critical and probing spirit, imposed their heavy yoke on Islam; and Islam, returning to its sources, paralyzed inquiry into a formula which brooked no answer: “Allah aalam” (God knows best what is). The traditionalism of Islam is incompatible with the spirit of inquiry and the idea of progress. For the Muslim, all truth worth knowing is contained in the Koran, at once a dogma and a code of faith, whose prescriptions regulate the smallest details of life. Whatever happens is the will of Allah. All is preordained; the only thing to do is to submit without complaint. This fatalism is destructive of effort, of any manifestation of personal will. It expresses the atavistic resignation of the nomad before the emptiness of the desert. Belief in another life, full of sensuous delights, of houris and fresh meadows, consoles the faithful for present tribulations. This mentality rules out restlessness, dissatisfaction with self, that constant drive to improve which is the ethical mainspring of the internal life of Western man.

Eastern Thought India

EASTERN WISDOM (V): INDIA After an honorable start, India failed to attain through its own efforts the level of technical and scientific competence of the West. As with China, the failure was traceable to a different way of looking at the world. East and West started with the same pessimistic assumptions: the human condition is precarious, painful and fleeting. Theories of Megara, Simonides of Chios and the Greek tragedies all passed judgments on existence fully as bleak as Buddha´s. But the responses were different. In the West, they suggested actions to improve the situation; in India, evasion. Western man sought to remedy the misery of his condition by mastery of the world; the Hindu sought to escape the world by mastery of self, of the internal life of the spirit. The Western mind believed in the reality of the external world and undertook to impose upon it the power of man‘s will; the Hindu regarded the external world and the idea of Ego as illusory, and sought to submerged personality in the quietude of the impersonal and timeless „Self.“ The highest wisdom was to escape from the wheel of rebirths by the technique of depersonalization, to be had through the mastery of knowledge of Samkhya or the psychosomatic methods of the deliverance of Yoga. The purpose in both cases was to enter in an ecstatic fusion with the Absolute (Brahma), who in his positive form is Being itself, and in his negative form is Nothingness, the Nirvana. To this metaphysics, with its denial of the wish to live, must be added a compartmentalization of Hindu society which prevented the invigorating circulation of elites that alone can keep a society healthy. There was no possibility of rising from one caste to another; there was no „social ladder“ to climb. Nothing was done prior to 1950 to change this situation.