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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Global Elites, Drug War, Oil and Gas, War is a Racket, Church is a Tax Free Business, Supply and Demand Driving Up Cost, Create Shortages in the Markets, Religion and Government Do Not Mix

Rich industrialists wanted to start an economic war and Putin says, fine,.. you want to play games with our lives? I will invest in shill mongering psy-ops to cause more divisiveness throughout your population thereby encouraging homegrown terrorism in your country... The rich industrialists say,... yeah we thought you might do that... it's cool, we planned to enslave half the world's population through taxation and other means in order to protect our military industrial complex. You know, we already monetize the war on drugs perpetually so more homegrown terrorism and school shootings are just good for business... you're doing us a favor; "smart guy". Oh and btw, we don't really care what country this happens in,.. they are pig pens for our cattle; not like we live actually live there. Then they put their pinkies up to the side of their mouths. Putin: Hey TR, how do you know I don't have investments in the military industrial complex and I want all of this to happen also? I am a military man after all. Then I laugh at all of these primitives but they don't realize that very they WILL "die" someday, transmute back into our food source, then transmute back into the very slaves and become the lambs to the slaughter.... over and over again for many generations to come... thought you were going to one-up me, Putin,,? You industrialists thought you were smart? Do you even science bro's? Dr. BrainTickler in da house!

Additive in this supporting statement post sent to me.

We have different sides helping opposite ends of a war spectrum. Russia supporting the Shiites, Iran, Syrian Army. The USA and NATO powers supporting the fight against ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sunni powers. Basically, it is a Shiite and Sunni regional conflict. It is over oil, pipelines, and influences of these two religions. But you have to come to the realization that all these conflicts sell weapons. The USA is the number one producer and Russia being number two. Neither wants a war with each other, for it would be a losing scenario. So proxy wars are better in a sense they keep the military complex of both countries pumping out weapons sales. Not only this not less forget access to mineral deposits in these regions and opium. 

By bombing these countries, we create and manufacture more terrorist recruits and more splinter groups are born from the conflicts. To in point, you can see with Islam, why religion does not mix with the government even being a radical one at that. Not to say that we do not have a radical Christian sect ourselves in the USA, called evangelicalism.

The war on drugs is another racket to keep the prices high, as is oil. Supply and demand with prohibition laws to create black markets and keep the prices high. The reason for us being in Afghanistan and with oil, creating conflicts in the Middle East to keep natural gas and oil prices high. Not only this, religion plays a big part, for that saying, a tax-free industry that prospers and is influential in politics. In Islam's case, government influence and the USA heading that way with the right wing religious evangelicals creating a new human conversion market for themselves.

If you really think about it, the Russian mob could play a part in this aspect with crony business opportunity and the drug trade in opium. England had a big lucrative business with opium in the 19th century, which led to a lot of wars. Not to mention, lithium deposits in Afghanistan are told to be big by geologist surveyors.  

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