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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Michael Bolton - Completely

Washington Braces for Possible Trump-Induced Trade War

You'll Find Me at the Home of the Blues

Hey Jude, Don't Be Afraid

Well Hello Mary Lou, Goodbye Heart, Sweet Mary Lou I'm So in Love With You

Keeps Me Searching for a Heart of Gold and I'm Getting Old

Chad Brock - Ordinary Life (Video)


Tell Your Friend There With You, He'll Have to Go

Let Me In: The Sensations

He Stopped Loving Her Today, They Placed a Reef Upon His Door

Hank Williams You Wrote My Life

chubby checker & dee dee sharp "slow twist" 1962

Debate: Has Trump Pulled the United States into Authoritarianism?

GDP by Country 2050 and Increase From 2018

Largest economies in the world, 2050.

1. China
2. India
3. US
4. Indonesia
5. Brazil
6. Mexico
7. Japan
8. Russia
9. Nigeria
10. Germany
11. UK
12. Saudi
13. France
14. Turkey
15. Pakistan
16. Egypt
17. South Korea
18. Italy
19. Canada
20. Philippines

5 Characteristics of a Wanna Be Dictator

Why we should give everyone a basic income | Rutger Bregman | TEDxMaastr...

Leon Russell "Tight Rope" 720p HD

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

10 reasons why borders should be opened | François Gemenne | TEDxLiège

Putting Guns Killings in Perspective

Coconut Oil Kills - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 66

15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk by 80%

Road to WW2, Anti Immigration, Depression, Repeating History

The Road to World War II - Program Four - Radio, Racism and Foreign Policy

China and Russia Looking More to Trade With Europe Than the USA

Open borders: the long-term perks and pitfalls | The Economist

Interesting Iodine Facts

How Authoritarians Take Over Democracy Part One

The Newsroom (Gun Control) Everything's a business

Why America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore.

Countries Satisfied with Democracy

Satisfied with the way democracy is working, 2017. India: 79% Germany: 73% Canada: 70% Indonesia: 69% Russia: 59% UK: 52% Poland: 51% Japan: 50% US: 46% South Africa: 43% Nigeria: 41% France: 34% Brazil: 28% Venezuela: 25% Spain: 25% Lebanon: 8% Mexico: 6%

Where is the USA?

Hank Williams You Wrote My Life

Massive Attack - Angel

Johnny Tillotson It Keeps Right On A Hurtin Original Stereo

Edible And Medicinal Broadleaf And Narrow leaf Plantain Identification

If You Take Coenzyme Q10 Everyday This Is What Happens To Your Body

Friday, May 25, 2018

Black Box Recorder - "The Facts of Life"

The one who really loves you - Mary Wells

Legends of Vinyl Presents The O-Jays - Time To Get Down Extended by LMOR...

Population With the Highest of Immigration in 2030

California                        38%                   
Florida                             34%
New Jersey                      32%
New York                        30%
Arizona                            27%
Texas                               25%
Hawaii                             24%
Connecticut                     23%
Maryland                         23%
Washington                     22%
Nevada                            21%
Illinois                             21%
Massachusetts                 20%
Rhode Island                   20%
New Mexico                   18%

Robin S - Show Me Love (Official Music Video) [1993]

Count Basie - Jumpin' In The Woodside (Billboard No.17 1938)

Free Will and Free Borders (AynRandCon 2016)

Alan Watts - Not to Force Anything

Religion & Modern Society



Elvis Presley - Good Luck Charm (Nashville Country Version) - 1961

Band Of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

The Castells ~ So This Is Love (Stereo)

Top 10 Countries Known for HUMAN TRAFFICKING

What if the Drug War Never Occurred?


First Opium War - II: The Righteous Minister - Extra History

First Opium War - I: Trade Deficits and the Macartney Embassy - Extra Hi...

Jesse Ventura Reveals How the Afghanistan War Fueled the American Heroin...

Tommy Roe - Sheila - HQ

Paula Cole I don't want to wait

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Trump's China Tariffs Sending BILLIONS To Russia

Glenn Frey - The Heat Is On - 1986 - Legendado

Peppermint Twist - Joey Dee & The Starliters

If Ever I See You Again by Roberta Flack

Don't Be Angry with Me Darling

Alan Jackson - "Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning ?" -

Real Life - Send Me An Angel [HQ/1080p]

Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer (Official Video)

Debating Immigration, Open Borders, and Pacifism (Bryan Caplan Pt. 3)

John Stossel - Does Free Trade Exploit the Poor?

The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS

The US After WWI: Now and Then Comparision of The Roaring 20s, the Prohibition and the Great Depression

The rise of Trump eerily similar to the rise of Hitler

Seth Moulton compares Trump’s rise to election of Hitler in 1930s

Why I Am a Left Libertarian

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Devil Woman, Leave Me Alone, I Want to Go Home

Assault on Our Media, Telling Us What is Fake From Fake People, Propagandist, Lobbies in the White House, Programmable Trump Gullible Desperate Voters

I think that we’ve seen an unprecedented assault on our media, Internet freedom, journalist, magazines, and newspapers. We’ve seen a deep insulting of our free press. And, in fact, a war on objectively true information that when something is reported that someone does not like you can just say it’s not true whether it is or not. You can try to undercut the messenger and talk about how these are just biased reporters, don’t listen to them. In fact, the populist and the alt-right nationalist (Trumpeters) just can come out with just bullet statement without any intellectual followup in stating what if fake or shooting down full article or explanation of a full paragraph or story. When, in fact, often these are fair reporters who’ve worked very hard to get things right. That has real ramifications. I mean we’re facing the prospect of living in a world that is post truth where there are no objective truths. Where you can tell me the sky is purple, the sky is green when in fact we’re looking at it and we see that it’s blue. That becomes very dangerous potentially for democracy, right. Because in a world in which the truth is unknowable how do we make governing decisions and then also how do we hold people accountable? How do we demand better of our elected officials if our elected official do not have to acknowledge reality at any point in time, right. A politician just go where the trend is anyway, in which they are puppets, in what Trump has learned to do because he is an opportunist, now especially with the Zionist Lobby, the Evilanglist Con Council, the Military Complex and Big Saudi Oil. They can just tell us that no, they did not say the thing they said. No this policy would not do the things we know it would do. I think that’s particularly dangerous and I think that it’s difficult.

Dying of Global Competitiveness, Monopolizing Commodities and Markets vs Alternative Competition to Old Institutions and New Ways of Thinking, Big Oil, Big Education, Big Medical, Big Pharma, Big Religion, The Big Military Complex, Law Inc, 1919-33 Repeating of Ingorance,

It's sad to see how much our world has been destroyed over the past 70 years as well as the health & lives of so many humans & animals and all in the name of politics, big pharma, big oil, the petrodollar and the military complex vs alternative fuels, alternative materials, and commodities, alternative medicines and prohibition by old outdated institutions, most coming from a right-wing conservative religious fascism. You see the only reason alternative and a free market worlds globalized economy prohibited or regulated is because a group of five very wealthy, greedy, and corrupt high powered businessmen/politicians who did not want to lose their life savings & businesses to to these alternative competitive alternatives; which was supposed to be the source for pretty much EVERYTHING on this planet beginning in the late 1920's, in which we are repeating history today with Trump, nationalism, tribalism, and populism affecting freedoms around the world politically and geopolitically. Competitive alternatives to an economy in the sense of a free market, globalization, multiculturalism, added commodities to the market, free consumer choice and free consumer-driven markets through global deregulation of world markets. Monopolizers and crony capitalistic oligarchs tend to hate globalization, the openness of borders and civilization which competes against them with their old traditionalist institutional dogma. You see, there are alternative foods, medicines, cures, alternative fuels and materials. If you stopped patients monopolization, government supplementation of materials and commodities, this would not be. Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big War, the Military Complex, Big Universtiy Educations and the Big Medicine fields monopolize in buying out the political process in a free democratic world that should be. At the same time in the late 1920's William Randal Hearst was an American newspaper publisher who built the nation's largest newspaper chain including the New York Morning Journal and he had just bought millions of acres of timber forest which he intended to use to make paper for his ever more popular tabloid publications such as the Herald Examiner, and the Irrational Enquirer. Could this be the whole idea behind bringing down the Internet, production of hemp, free independent press, is competition something greed, capitalistic oligarchs, and corporate cronies do not want, The nasty word of competition?
Another industry giant who was directly threatened by the production of cannabis was Lamont DuPont the owner of Petro Chemical a company that he had just bought along with the patents to make a dozen synthetic products from oil. Big Oil and oil-based products that rule the world now, promote the petrodollar, create opportunities for weapons sales for the military complex in which the United States, China, and Russia are the biggest weapons producers. Big Pharma and Big Agric Chemical industries thrive. The controlled consumer, not the free choice consumer in a free competitive unregulated world market.
And let's not forget the young pharmaceutical industry which was financed by two very powerful and corrupt bankers John D. Rockefeller (owner of Standard Oil) and Andrew Carnegie. These two individuals were conducting an all-out campaign to eliminate the accepted natural herbal treatments including cannabis from the pharmacopeia while trying to replace it with drugs created in the laboratories. You see prohibition comes from old traditional programming nationalistic religious self-righteous institutions. Hearst and Dupont teamed up with Andrew Mellon; owner of Guelph oil and also an American banker, businessman, industrialist, philanthropist, art collector, and most importantly the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom and United States Secretary of the Treasury; and thus was born this natural alliance between the synthetic textile industry, the oil industry, the producers of plastics and it derivatives, and the pharmaceutical industry. Control of commodities and forced consumerism from the old establishments to stay in their money making comfort zones. Policing, military worldwide policing, freedom suppression of the press and the Internet, anti-technology fundamentalist, nationalist using whatever tools to stomp out a competitive free consumer market of choice in the world.
So here we have five (5) very wealthy and corrupt individuals looking out for the best interest of their family fortunes and from that powerful position of United States Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon had appointed his future son in law, Harry Anslinger to be the new head of the federal burial of narcotics!

Trump is a wave rider, self-motivated opportunist to whatever benefit himself in the aftermath of the presidency vs what is good for the people. The Nationalist, EVILangistic conning, the Zionist lobby, the Military Complex, Big Pharma, Big Medicine, Big Oil, Big Education has fooled the American voter again and the world to in a way, damaging a free globalized, multicultural, free market, free-thinking, self-expressive, consumer-driven market competition.

The Free Press: How a War on Truth Threatens Democracy | Wesley Lowery

The REAL Reason Cannabis Was Prohibited!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Cheer Up Sleepy Jean, Oh What Can It Mean, To a Daydream Believer and a Home Coming Queen

Jay and The Americans - She Cried

Bruce Springsteen - Devils & Dust -The Song

Enchantment - It's you that I need

Does She Really Love Me I Think She Does, Stars Are Bright and Everything's Alright, Daisy Jane

Expert On Dictators: President Donald Trump On A Path Of Despotism | The...

7 Of President Trump's Dictatorial Tendencies

Priest says Hell is an invention of the church to control people with fear

Costs of War: the Human Toll of the Post-9/11 Wars

Daddy's Home to Stay

Let's talk: Globalization from a socio-economic point of view.

What About Daddy Cool

Focus On Yourself And Not Others? (One of the Best Speeches Ever) ft. Et...

The US, Oil and the Middle East Uprisings

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Top Countries to Find a Wife, White Guys

1. Thailand
2. Romania
3. Spain
4. Mexico
5, Philippines
6. Japan
7. Ukraine
8. Russia
9. Brazil
10. Bulgaria
11. China
12. Taiwan
13. Indonesia
14. Vietnam
15. Cambodia

Projected GDP's 2018-2028

Asia                                             5.5% per year
Emerging Markets                      5.5% per year
Africa                                          5.1% per year
Middle East/North Africa           3.8% per year
World                                          3.6% per year
Latin America                             2.4% per year
Russia/Central Asia                    1.4% per year
North America                            1.3% per year        
Europe                                         1.1% per year

Notes: Asia, The Middle East, and Africa are where most of the growth will be, mainly because of population growth and growing middle classes. Population growth is a key factor not only in fertility rates but by easing immigration policy for migration for short-term fixes for populations problems until fertility rates can return as before, but that would take at a minimum 20-30 years into the future.
With social security safety nets and more people retiring, and healthcare playing into the factor, countries with low fertility rates, need to rethink immigration policy or deal with the friction of austerity revolt.

Top Consuming Countries 2018 in the World

1. The United States                            29%
2. European Union                              21%
3. China                                               10%
4. Japan                                                 7%
5. UK                                                    4%
6. India                                                  3%
7. Brazil                                                 3%
8. Canada                                              2%
9. Mexico                                              2%
10. Australia                                          2%
11. South Korea                                     2%
12. Russia                                              2%
13. Indonesia                                         1%

Complex World Environment, Technology and the Old Institutional Uncomfortablity, Free Markets, Worldwide Commerce

This increasingly complex security environment is defined by rapid technological change, challenges from adversaries in every operating domain, and the impact on current readiness from the longest continuous stretch of armed conflict in our Nation’s history. In this environment, there can be no complacency—we must make difficult choices and prioritize what is most important to field a lethal, resilient, and rapidly adapting Joint Force. America’s military has no preordained right to victory on the battlefield.

Rebuttal: Technological change is good in any society or civilization. Who are our adversaries, those who interfere or are competitive in our interest, when we should be worried about free world trade and an open world of open commerce according to worldwide consumer choice? We should be worried about who would or what country world disrupt the world democratized market global society and those who would want to control it, be is the Communist, Islamic, global elites, Christian Fascist, global nationalist or any other rogue state. 

Worldwide Treats Around the World, China, Russia, Islam, Christian Fascism, UN, Communism, Oligarchy, Oil, Military Complex, Proxy Wars

China is a strategic competitor using predatory economics to intimidate its neighbors while militarizing features in the South China Sea. Russia has violated the borders of nearby nations and pursues veto power over the economic, diplomatic, and security decisions of its neighbors. As well, North Korea’s outlaw actions and reckless rhetoric continue despite United Nation’s censure and sanctions. Iran continues to sow violence and remains the most significant challenge to Middle East stability. Despite the defeat of ISIS’s physical caliphate, threats to stability remain as terrorist groups with long reach continue to murder the innocent and threaten peace more broadly Rebuttal: China is doing no more than what the United States is doing in jocking for position in turning the whole world into a Communist monopoly. Russia is just trying to become unsurrounded by the US and trying to open up areas of ports for oceans access and being Russian Nationalist. In sense, China or no nation should be blockading or militarizing sea routes or any worldwide commerce route stagnating worldwide trade of free worldwide trade. We and other big superpowers should stay away from the peace accords between the two Korea's and let them work it out. They do not need China's or the United States permission and end the exercise so they can get on with business. Oh! Wait! Without the war on the Korean Peninsula, we can't sell weapons (China and the USA). Iran and Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East need to come together as one region to solve its own problems, the only thing we need is for them to sell their oil on the worldwide free market and let the freehanded consumerism of the market take control. Oil is expensive because of war, conflict, rebel militias propped up by conflict through power vacuums, but big oil know this, shortages in the flow are profits for big oil and worldwide weapons sales. All things should be worked out through the United Nations without Security Council veto power. Terrorism still sells. In weapons, propping up the petrodollar, big oil, the military complex, and two competing religions for people's coffers, Christianity/Zionism and Islam.

Peace Expenses Over War Expenses

Then justice will reside in wild lands,/and righteous will abide in farmlands. The fruit of righteous will be peace,/and the outcome righteous./calm and security forever. /Then my people will live in peaceful dwelling, /in secure homes, in carefree resting places. (Isaiah 32:16-16)
The U.S. Congress has begun making major budget decisions regarding war and peace. Your Senators and Representatives need to hear from you as a person of faith about decisions prioritizing investments in peacebuilding and people, not war.
The U.S. State Department and the United Nations administer programs that address conflict, avert mass atrocities and protect civilians in conflict areas. Some of these programs include clean water and sanitation, education access, global health initiatives such as aid for malaria, HIV/AIDS, and Ebola, supporting small farmers, averting famine, and increasing clean energy access.
U.S. foreign assistance is less than 1% of the federal budget. These programs help save lives and advance the dignity of vulnerable and poor persons and communities across the world.

Today's World, USA and Many Others Being the World Police,United Nations, Global Order According to the Consumer, Democratized World Order, Keeping World Commerce Free Flowing

Today, we are emerging from a period of strategic wasting away, aware that our competitive military advantage has been eroding. We are facing increased global disorder, characterized by a decline in the long-standing rules-based international order—creating a security environment more complex and volatile than any we have experienced in recent memory. Inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security.

Rebuttal: The thing here is, why are we as a country trying to run the world as the world's police. When coalitions and using the United Nations for what it was meant to be used for to keep the peace in the world. For one, no nation should have veto power in the United Nations Security Council because monetarily they are richer than other countries, say so should be counted according to the population of a country in the United Nations.

The only global disorder is America trying to be imperialistic in the world and trying to keep up the dollar by protecting its oil and gas and not alternating it with a renewable source, which has a lot to do with national security. How about part of the gasoline tax going towards the war s we fight, then we as Americans might think twice of why we are in the Middle East and why social and domestic priorities in our country don't take a front seat to our priorities.

International order is according to a free consumer-driven market, multiculturalism, one world coming together to solve all problems. Not to make the whole world Christian, Muslim, one color ruling a majority of others, controlling commodities, controlling markets, interfering with global supply chains and shipping lanes, making oil priority over alternative energies. Not making it Communist, Socialist, or whatever philosophical metaphor forced upon it. World freedom is not about a system but a will of all people in the world with free markets, free thinking and freedom to express themselves without a system or religion being forced upon them.

An international order is according to a majority approved by the United Nations Assembly, not American priorities in running a world to their advantage. The world is volatile for many reasons. Christians wanting to make it all Christian, Muslims dreams of a world Caliphate, countries promoting nasty forms of nationalism (disguised as populism), a monopolized political system. It needs to based on by democracy according to peoples rules. It's volatile because of the worldwide countries that sell weapons (Russia, China, United States) and the only way to sell weapons is to cause conflict, war or develop proxy wars. It's a racket.

Interstate competition or other words, worldwide economic competition should be controlled by the free, unregulated, consumer-driven world free market and political democracies around the world. Terrorism is a an excuse used for Muslim resistance to its oil fields being controlled, money-making proxy wars through sales of weapons, controlling oil and gas. The only security that should be maintained is the freedom of trade routes, be it by sea or over land. A free-flowing commerce of world exchange policed by a worldwide international community via the United Nations Assembly in view of all in the world being democratized.

Sam Cooke Sad Mood lyrics

Keith Urban - I´m In ( Live )

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Crystal Blue Persuaion

How sugar affects the brain - Nicole Avena

(Democratic Debate) Bernie Sanders explains Democratic Socialism

Private prisons: , Immigration Inc and Law Inc How US corporations make money out of locking you up

How the Syrian Crisis is REALLY about Oil and Europe | REAL MATTERS

Happy in the Chapel, Get Down on Your Knees and Pray, Your Burdens Will Be Lightened

I'm Crazy for Lying, Crazy for Dying and I'm Crazy for Loving You

Come Monday It'll Be Alright

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Which Countries Have Shrinking Populations?

What Is Fascism?

Cab Calloway - History repeats Itself

All About Fascism, Oligarchy & Plutocracy in America

The End Of Net Neutrality is The Start Of Fascism

Don't Break The Heart That Loves You by Connie Francis 1962

The Andrews Sisters - Rum and Coca Cola


Oil & Economic Wars with Russia, China & Iran - William Engdahl

Friday, May 11, 2018

'If Israel bombs Iran, Arab states will support Tehran'

Top 5 Benefits Of Drinking Beer | Simple Health and Beauty Tips | Beer P...

How to Flush Gallbladder Sludge Naturally

How to Flush Gallbladder Sludge Naturally

Future of Religion in 2050 in the World

Christian                     3,453 million           28%
Islam                           2,776 million           23%
Agnostic                     2,149 million           18%
Hindu                         1,501 million            15%
Buddhist                       746 million              6%
Chinese Folk                436 million              4%
Amethyst                      361 million              3%
Orthodox                      299 million              2%
New Age                      119 million              1%

Health Benefits of Palm Oil

���� ���� Are Israel and Iran inching closer to war? | Inside Story

AMAZING Milk Chocolate Benefits And Advantages

Chug a Lug, Makes You Want to Holler Hidi Ho

Gary Finneyfrock Karaoke and More Contact Me

GaryF2437's real name is Gary Finneyfrock. Gary is 57 years old, is located in Maryland / USA and has been a SingSnap member since April 21, 2016. He has a total of 237 public recordings that have been viewed 53,551 times and 165 achievement points.

Retired army and social security. Like all kinds of music. PH#13013996410, G+, twitter,, Tumblr, Frockman Philosophy on google search, on YouTube (frockmusic and video231). You are welcome to send comments to my email or contacts me via phone, on WhatsApp, hangouts, Instagram, Redditt,,,, Linkedin
Single retired from the army and social security. Now living in Waldorf, Maryland. I am 57. Married 2x. Want to retire in a foreign country. Like to travel, internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, enjoying my retirement, experiencing and meeting people from different cultures, free thinker, free-spirited. music, karaoke, economics and social trends in the world, globalist progressive democrat, blogging, into nutrition and herbs, New Age thinker. My music likes are rock, pop music, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. G+, twitter,,, Tumblr, Frockman Philosophy on google search, on YouTube (frockmusic and video231). You are welcome to send comments to my email or contact me via phone, on, hangouts @ .com or any other of my social feeds.
Please share my karaoke videos if you think they are good and comment

Our Thirsty World | National Geographic

'World fears US as a war-hungry drunk' - ex-Senator

Thursday, May 10, 2018

The hidden truth about human connection | Dan Foxx | TEDxChelmsford

How pulling out of Iran nuclear deal could impact oil prices

GARY U.S.BONDS Dear Lady Twist JAN '62

There Were Choices

Rodney Dangerfield - At His Best!!! (You will Die Laughing!!!)

in living color-Hour Of Power

Turks in Germany divided over Erdogan | DW English

Here He Comes, That's Cathy's Clown

Israel will stop Iran's entrenchment in Syria, even if it results in war...

Who Would Win World War 3?

Putin: The world is getting more chaotic, but we hope that common sense ...

The Truth About Syria

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Total - "Can't You See"


Fareed: Democracy is decaying worldwide

15 Business Books Everyone Should Read

Jim Carrey and the story of his famous beard - Jim Carrey interview abou...

Blaming Whites, Racism Comes in Many Colors, Catholic and Christian Crusades, Muslim Caliphate, Worshiping a White God

 OneLife, Who cares, if Whites would stop colonizing indigenous people's land they would not need foreign aid. White people are the new kids on the block who are willfully ignorant and in denial of reality. WHITE-WASHING history will never change the truth.

Rebuttal: You are talking of colonialism, but you have to keep in mind so they were also the Spanish and mostly European descent. Most of them were Catholic and Christian Crusades, such as Muslims want a caliphate. Why do Blacks worship a white Jesus? Why do hate groups who say they are doing God's will hate Jews when that is part of the Old Testament? Why are you talking ancient history and living in the past? When you call white people ignorant, is not that being racist? You are judging a color and not what is inside that person. What is the truth according to your misinformed doctrine? 

I Am NOT Black, You are NOT White

2018-2025 Annual GDP Biggest Investment Regions, Countries and Type and Regional Funds to Be Invested In

The United States                         2% GDP 
Japan                                            1% GDP
China                                            5% GDP
India                                              4% GDP
Asia                                               5% GDP
South America                              3% GDP
North America                              3% GDP
Central America                            3% GDP
Mexico                                          3% GDP
The Middle East                            3% GDP
North Africa                                  7% GDP
Sub Saharan Africa                     10% GDP
Eastern Europe                              1%GDP
Emerging Markets                         6% GDP
Developing Markets                      7% GDP
European Union                             2% GDP
Russia                                             2% GDP
World                                              3% GDP


Monday, May 7, 2018

Fascism Traits and Plans of an American Civilization, Today's Republicans

1. A fascist it usually a programmed patriot and nationalist, protectionist and isolationist.
2. Anti-immigrant and anti-globalist
3. Sexist for women's freedoms (Muslims can be included in this trait
4. Repression of the labor force and unions
5. Worship corporate power, billionaire elites, religious nationalism and greed
6. Suppress mass media, a free internet, and social mediums
7. Dislike for counter culture, multiculturalism, and intellectuals
8. Dislike for public education.
9. Voter suppression
10. Cronyism gathers of a gullible flock
11. Corruption of government and corporation
12. Fraudulent elections
13. Obsession with the military complex, national security, proxy wars, conflicts, and wars
14. Destruction of individual liberties
15. Fascism comes in many forms, right-wing religious prohibitionist, hate groups, gangs, fanaticism, extremism.
16. Saying what is fake without any logic, reason or factual research into the issue

10 Health benefits of Ginkgo | Herbal Medicine

LIZA MINNELLI - Losing My Mind -- Grammy Living Legends

Cajun Baby, the Fairest One In the Land

About Me, Military Experience, Employed Experience, All About Me, Political Beliefs, Spiritual Beliefs

My work experiences. Message center operations, message delivery, office clerk, publications mgmt. telecommunications center operations, communications security storage clerk, army recruiter, ammunition supply clerk, small arms security and storage, training coordinator, nuclear biological chemical training and safety, retail storage distribution, data processing, electronic parts distribution, mortgage post closer, military battlefield analysis.

Single retired from the army and social security. Now living in Waldorf, Maryland. I am 57 and  Married 2x, Global Progressive Democrat, New Age Thought. Want to spend more time enhancing the retirement I have now further into the future. Like to travel, internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, enjoy my retirement, experience meeting people from different cultures, free thinker, free-spirited. music, karaoke, economics and social trends in the world, nutrition supplementation, and herbs, geopolitics. My music likes are rock, pop, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock, classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. You can contact me via, on  G+, twitter,, Tumblr, frockman philosophy on google blogspot search, on YouTube (frockmusic and video231) ,Reddit,  Google search GaryF2437 for my karaoke recordings. You are welcome to send comments to my email or contact me via phone, hangouts,  or any other of my social feeds. 

Military Training: Nuclear Biological Chemical Safety and Training, Telecommunications Center Operations, Communications Terminology, Primary Leadership Development, German Culture, Korean Culture, Italian Culture, Principals of Counseling, Training Management, Communications Security Hardware and Software Storage, Alcohol and Drug Coordination Testing and Counseling, Publications Clerk Course, Basic Leadership Course, Advanced Leadership Course, Small Arms Maintenance and Storage.

College: English , Speech , History,  Psychology, Technical Math, College Orientation, Physical Conditioning, Personnel Management, Physical Education, Intro to Management, Sales Techniques, Accounting 1, Accounting 2, Korean Grammar and Writing, Management Problems, Training Management, Records Management, Supervision, Data Processing, Office Management, Law Enforcement, Sociology, Economics. 

Words that describe my personality: Money matters, don't tread on my freedoms, mysterious, regeneration, radiate worth and being happy, excitement, visionary, no boredom, past is important to learn from, not being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is important, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke, I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, express myself when needed, desire is important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can change quickly, adaptive, backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see who's behind you, understanding, take charge, good nature, good cheer, like parties, guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self-confident, self-motivator, leadership ability, strong-willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is important, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong-willed and away. Do not like control freaks, religious fanatics, cons, users, or money grubbers.

Political Beliefs:

Global Socialist 90%, Global Liberal 87%, Global Conservative 65%, Global Communist 55%, Nationalist 29%

Spiritual Beliefs: Universal Unitarian 100%, New Age 99%, Buddhist 91%, Scientology 90%, Taoism 87%, Pagan 83%, Jainism 83%, Hindu 81%, Shikism 78%, Christian 59%, Humanism 50%, Bahai Faith 49%, Latter Day Saints 39%, Theist 38%, Islam 30%, 7th Dy Adventist 29%, Orthodox 26%, Catholic 26%.

Ketty Lester - Love Letters

The Techniques - Queen Majesty riddim

Claudine Clark - Party Lights

World's Top Cotton Producers

3United States3,553

Cotton Fields - Highwaymen - 1962

Generic Democrat vs Donald Trump | 2020 Election Prediction

Who Will Challenge Trump In 2020?

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Billy Murray - You're a Grand Old Flag (1906)

Richard Chamberlain - "Theme From Dr Kildare" (HQ Stereo)

The Slits - Instant Hit

Tuff - Ace Cannon

The Byrds - Lady friend

CLYDE MCPHATTER. lover please

Burning Love

Creedence Clearwater Revival Fortunate Son + Lyrics, The Foot Bone Spurred One

Edwin Starr - War (What is it good for) + Lycris HQ!!

Black Sabbath - War Pigs Lyrics, Military Complex, Big Oil, Neo Cons

Barbara George - I Know (You Don't Love Me No More)

This is how Trump distracts you

Thelma Jones - The house that jack built (audio) ...

Young World // Ricky Nelson(1962)

Former Prime Minister Say Netanyahu, Trump and the War Hawks Want War With Iran, Proxy, Cold, Cohort and the UN

Any intention to go to war is very risky in a worldwide globalized economy. Wars have always been fought geopolitically through the hearts and minds of importing a counties media an pop culture. By proxy, cohort and cold war tactic which have saved us from destroying the world as we know it. Nuclear weapons are just insurance policies for countries not to go to war with one another, living is better than surviving a nuclear holocaust. Also, all disputes should be worked through the United Nations, the reason it was created.
The worldwide supply lines should not be disrupted by any selfish source. The world economy should be driven according to supply and demand with no shortages for the worldwide consumer. Chill!

For Those Who Were Incarcerated Branded

David Crosby - Music Is Love

Fighting the Establishment of Nationalist Propaganda, Multiculturalism, Free Market, Consumer Driven Unregulated Supply and Demand World Markets, Democratized, Changing the Old Institutions of Thought, Mainly Religions

Tips for fighting the establishment propaganda machine:
-Keep up a routine of visiting the independent media sites that the deep state is trying to censor. I recommend Consortiumnews and Mintpressnews. I go to them every day.

-Politicize your social media profile, and hammer in dissenting messages routinely. Not like I don’t see lots of people doing this, but we need everyone on board.

-Follow the classic rules for politics. Try to always be the one making the political attack, and not the one defending from an attack. Simplify messages (without reducing their truth) to make them more widely accessible. And work to convince people that the propaganda centers we’re trying to disempower-i.e. CNN, WaPo, and the rest-are untrustworthy. Because it’s been proven that they are, and a truth-based paradigm needs to be created.

Rebuttal: Visit everything. Get to know your enemy, use logic, reason, your own research and investigation to draw your own conclusions. One day at a time, ever changing and adapting. Keep a diversified independent your own journey attitude. Explore all avenues of approach. Don't be to classical and stay in your box of traditional and old institutional stagnation, get out once in a while. Political attacks from Trumpsters are just blunt insulting bullet statements to get you riled up. They have no backing up in their statements. Come back with some credible counteracting fortitude. You forgot to mention FOX and the neocons. A multicultural, free market, consumer-driven, supply, and demand democratized, all connected world needs to be established and converting all the institutions of thought. Mainly the religions.

The Shirelles - Baby it's you (original 1961)

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Pat Boone - Speedy Gonzalez

I Found My Trill on Blueberry Hill

April 10, 2017 Jessamae Getes +63 916 916 8656 +63 930 936 8790

Blue Moon of Kentucky

Usher - Trading Places

Donovan in Concert - There Is a Mountain

Koch Brothers Declare War On Electric Cars

Projected GDP Growth for Regions and Countries 2018-25

The United States                 1.6%
Japan                                     1.3%
China                                    4.8%
India                                     4.3%
Asia                                      4.6%
Latin America                      3.2%
Brazil                                   3.1%
Mexico                                 3.3%
The Middle East                   3.0%
North Africa                         7.1%
Sub-Saharan Africa              9.6%
Eastern Europe                     0.1%
Russia                                   2.3%
Emerging Markets                5.9%
Developing Markets             6.9%
European Union                    1.3%
World                                    3.2%