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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Blaming Whites, Racism Comes in Many Colors, Catholic and Christian Crusades, Muslim Caliphate, Worshiping a White God

 OneLife, Who cares, if Whites would stop colonizing indigenous people's land they would not need foreign aid. White people are the new kids on the block who are willfully ignorant and in denial of reality. WHITE-WASHING history will never change the truth.

Rebuttal: You are talking of colonialism, but you have to keep in mind so they were also the Spanish and mostly European descent. Most of them were Catholic and Christian Crusades, such as Muslims want a caliphate. Why do Blacks worship a white Jesus? Why do hate groups who say they are doing God's will hate Jews when that is part of the Old Testament? Why are you talking ancient history and living in the past? When you call white people ignorant, is not that being racist? You are judging a color and not what is inside that person. What is the truth according to your misinformed doctrine? 

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