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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Today's World, USA and Many Others Being the World Police,United Nations, Global Order According to the Consumer, Democratized World Order, Keeping World Commerce Free Flowing

Today, we are emerging from a period of strategic wasting away, aware that our competitive military advantage has been eroding. We are facing increased global disorder, characterized by a decline in the long-standing rules-based international order—creating a security environment more complex and volatile than any we have experienced in recent memory. Inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security.

Rebuttal: The thing here is, why are we as a country trying to run the world as the world's police. When coalitions and using the United Nations for what it was meant to be used for to keep the peace in the world. For one, no nation should have veto power in the United Nations Security Council because monetarily they are richer than other countries, say so should be counted according to the population of a country in the United Nations.

The only global disorder is America trying to be imperialistic in the world and trying to keep up the dollar by protecting its oil and gas and not alternating it with a renewable source, which has a lot to do with national security. How about part of the gasoline tax going towards the war s we fight, then we as Americans might think twice of why we are in the Middle East and why social and domestic priorities in our country don't take a front seat to our priorities.

International order is according to a free consumer-driven market, multiculturalism, one world coming together to solve all problems. Not to make the whole world Christian, Muslim, one color ruling a majority of others, controlling commodities, controlling markets, interfering with global supply chains and shipping lanes, making oil priority over alternative energies. Not making it Communist, Socialist, or whatever philosophical metaphor forced upon it. World freedom is not about a system but a will of all people in the world with free markets, free thinking and freedom to express themselves without a system or religion being forced upon them.

An international order is according to a majority approved by the United Nations Assembly, not American priorities in running a world to their advantage. The world is volatile for many reasons. Christians wanting to make it all Christian, Muslims dreams of a world Caliphate, countries promoting nasty forms of nationalism (disguised as populism), a monopolized political system. It needs to based on by democracy according to peoples rules. It's volatile because of the worldwide countries that sell weapons (Russia, China, United States) and the only way to sell weapons is to cause conflict, war or develop proxy wars. It's a racket.

Interstate competition or other words, worldwide economic competition should be controlled by the free, unregulated, consumer-driven world free market and political democracies around the world. Terrorism is a an excuse used for Muslim resistance to its oil fields being controlled, money-making proxy wars through sales of weapons, controlling oil and gas. The only security that should be maintained is the freedom of trade routes, be it by sea or over land. A free-flowing commerce of world exchange policed by a worldwide international community via the United Nations Assembly in view of all in the world being democratized.

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