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Saturday, May 19, 2018

Dying of Global Competitiveness, Monopolizing Commodities and Markets vs Alternative Competition to Old Institutions and New Ways of Thinking, Big Oil, Big Education, Big Medical, Big Pharma, Big Religion, The Big Military Complex, Law Inc, 1919-33 Repeating of Ingorance,

It's sad to see how much our world has been destroyed over the past 70 years as well as the health & lives of so many humans & animals and all in the name of politics, big pharma, big oil, the petrodollar and the military complex vs alternative fuels, alternative materials, and commodities, alternative medicines and prohibition by old outdated institutions, most coming from a right-wing conservative religious fascism. You see the only reason alternative and a free market worlds globalized economy prohibited or regulated is because a group of five very wealthy, greedy, and corrupt high powered businessmen/politicians who did not want to lose their life savings & businesses to to these alternative competitive alternatives; which was supposed to be the source for pretty much EVERYTHING on this planet beginning in the late 1920's, in which we are repeating history today with Trump, nationalism, tribalism, and populism affecting freedoms around the world politically and geopolitically. Competitive alternatives to an economy in the sense of a free market, globalization, multiculturalism, added commodities to the market, free consumer choice and free consumer-driven markets through global deregulation of world markets. Monopolizers and crony capitalistic oligarchs tend to hate globalization, the openness of borders and civilization which competes against them with their old traditionalist institutional dogma. You see, there are alternative foods, medicines, cures, alternative fuels and materials. If you stopped patients monopolization, government supplementation of materials and commodities, this would not be. Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big War, the Military Complex, Big Universtiy Educations and the Big Medicine fields monopolize in buying out the political process in a free democratic world that should be. At the same time in the late 1920's William Randal Hearst was an American newspaper publisher who built the nation's largest newspaper chain including the New York Morning Journal and he had just bought millions of acres of timber forest which he intended to use to make paper for his ever more popular tabloid publications such as the Herald Examiner, and the Irrational Enquirer. Could this be the whole idea behind bringing down the Internet, production of hemp, free independent press, is competition something greed, capitalistic oligarchs, and corporate cronies do not want, The nasty word of competition?
Another industry giant who was directly threatened by the production of cannabis was Lamont DuPont the owner of Petro Chemical a company that he had just bought along with the patents to make a dozen synthetic products from oil. Big Oil and oil-based products that rule the world now, promote the petrodollar, create opportunities for weapons sales for the military complex in which the United States, China, and Russia are the biggest weapons producers. Big Pharma and Big Agric Chemical industries thrive. The controlled consumer, not the free choice consumer in a free competitive unregulated world market.
And let's not forget the young pharmaceutical industry which was financed by two very powerful and corrupt bankers John D. Rockefeller (owner of Standard Oil) and Andrew Carnegie. These two individuals were conducting an all-out campaign to eliminate the accepted natural herbal treatments including cannabis from the pharmacopeia while trying to replace it with drugs created in the laboratories. You see prohibition comes from old traditional programming nationalistic religious self-righteous institutions. Hearst and Dupont teamed up with Andrew Mellon; owner of Guelph oil and also an American banker, businessman, industrialist, philanthropist, art collector, and most importantly the United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom and United States Secretary of the Treasury; and thus was born this natural alliance between the synthetic textile industry, the oil industry, the producers of plastics and it derivatives, and the pharmaceutical industry. Control of commodities and forced consumerism from the old establishments to stay in their money making comfort zones. Policing, military worldwide policing, freedom suppression of the press and the Internet, anti-technology fundamentalist, nationalist using whatever tools to stomp out a competitive free consumer market of choice in the world.
So here we have five (5) very wealthy and corrupt individuals looking out for the best interest of their family fortunes and from that powerful position of United States Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon had appointed his future son in law, Harry Anslinger to be the new head of the federal burial of narcotics!

Trump is a wave rider, self-motivated opportunist to whatever benefit himself in the aftermath of the presidency vs what is good for the people. The Nationalist, EVILangistic conning, the Zionist lobby, the Military Complex, Big Pharma, Big Medicine, Big Oil, Big Education has fooled the American voter again and the world to in a way, damaging a free globalized, multicultural, free market, free-thinking, self-expressive, consumer-driven market competition.

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