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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Projected GDP's 2018-2028

Asia                                             5.5% per year
Emerging Markets                      5.5% per year
Africa                                          5.1% per year
Middle East/North Africa           3.8% per year
World                                          3.6% per year
Latin America                             2.4% per year
Russia/Central Asia                    1.4% per year
North America                            1.3% per year        
Europe                                         1.1% per year

Notes: Asia, The Middle East, and Africa are where most of the growth will be, mainly because of population growth and growing middle classes. Population growth is a key factor not only in fertility rates but by easing immigration policy for migration for short-term fixes for populations problems until fertility rates can return as before, but that would take at a minimum 20-30 years into the future.
With social security safety nets and more people retiring, and healthcare playing into the factor, countries with low fertility rates, need to rethink immigration policy or deal with the friction of austerity revolt.

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