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Friday, March 23, 2018

Power is Intoxicating, Knowledge, Training, Experience, Logic, Reason, Negotiating Skills Are Power

Power can be intoxicating, and some people will always abuse it. One of the ways I can be sure it won’t be abused is if I’m the one exercising the power.

What Powers Are There:

Knowledge: This can take shape in the form of books being read, social blogging through your own investigative knowledge and research. A thirst for more knowledge to make you a more enlightened person to who you are presently. Constructive media listening and watching, you are what you eat. Listening to people who have been through situations you are going through now. Experiencing experiences. It reminds me, when I was in the army, we called work training. Everyday living should be an unending education for you in a journey all your own and no one else's, especially when avoiding control freaks, fanatics, extremist and religious doctrine that don't fit the times of today in our world, it being globalized and ever connecting.

Power in Numbers: This can be in money, statistics, people, belonging to a group that you believe in or shares the same or some of the beliefs, values. But remember a free world is found not on being narrow minded or prideful but through debate, reasoning and logic. Negotiation and deals and a democratic process. This is how wealth and business is done.

Power for the right reason: Not power for your greed, selfishness, enhancement for your prides, not to be jealous of others, or to enhance your prestige in a group. But to enhance the humanity of others, through educating them, helping them, being a mentor to them, an encouragement to them, in turn for them to do the same later in life for others.

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