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Monday, March 26, 2018

Voter Suppression, Vote!, Racism in Many Colors, Tribalism, Felons, Trade Wars, Repeating History, Gangs, South Africa, Dying and Money You Will Not Need

Voter Suppression, voter restrictions, both sides are corrupt far right and far left. The point here being made is that you need to go vote. Another thing is that if you are a felon, you should be able to vote. The law put in place over this is voter suppression. You are still an American citizen, giving you the right to vote. Racism comes in many colors, suppression of voting too in that sense. Cultural anxiety, what is that? It is the fact that people have become tribalist, in a sense, I can understand the gangster history that polluted the young, now being manifested in younger older Americans. White privilege, black privilege, how about diversifying your mind, take a DNA test that can go back 1500 years and reboot your brain, free your mind and don't be color blind. Nationalism comes in many colors too, Black and White, look to South Africa, that is an example with the white farmers. We are part of one big world, all interconnected, market and internet wise. Remember that is was the 20's and 30 of nationalism, tribalism, religious extremism, the prohibition that brought us the Great Depression, Al Capone and World War 2. In the end of 1929-31, we started trade wars, during the Middle of and what caused the Great Depression. Income inequality brings extreme thoughts of racial tribalism, which brings forth revolt, regional conquest, conflicts, and war, do we need another lesson in that? Think free, live free, free trade, be free spirit, logical and reasonable to yourself. You are one mind in many and it is your journey, no one else's. Makes me think that money is worshipped over people, but wherever we go we cannot take it with us, won't need no pockets.

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