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Thursday, March 29, 2018

Diversity, Scientology, Hinduism, DNA, Tribalism, Nationalism, Fascism, Extremism, Free and Open World Determined by the Masses

Let's go further with this statement. In Scientology, not that I am part of, but also in Hinduism, there is a philosophy that people are 5 generations back what is carried inside them as part of the traits programmed into them, meaning also when the baby is carried inside the would, any trauma, experience historic those generations went through. Everyone needs to learn there families histories and take a DNA test to really get a sense of who they are from the history and rethink their philosophies of race, why they are the way they are and where they should go from where they are., I included. I know this is off the wall, but it is food for thought when one talks of diversity in the world today and avoid the tribalism that is taking hold in the world from diversity, such as nationalism, fascism, fanaticism, and extremism. Today's civilizations are losing their basic knowledge of world history, losing the perspective of where we have been and not to repeat the mistakes that led us on the brink of two world wars and the next, if we are that ignorant to repeat it with nuclear weapon or some religious death wish dogma, then so be it, stupid does what stupid is. We in the world today are getting programmable, so that the elite would like you to be, I think different, so wake up, let's get back to diversity, an open societal world, an open free trade, exchange of ideas and coming together of a consumer-driven, free flow of information, multicultural mix, free world order and not an oligarchical one.

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