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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Be Strong, Live Your Journey, Old Institutional Dogma, Open Borders, Open Society, Free Globalization, Etc Read

Be fierce and strong, a warrior with, with a loving heart. Grow from your shyness, come out of your shell and live your own individual journey in life. Don't be color blind, free your mind with free thought and the rest will follow. Be free spirited. Bow to no one or not institutions that preach and teach ancient history as doctrine. Question authority, for it, is your right. Open borders, open society, free trade, multicultural exchange, become a globalist free mind, free consumerism and individual rights. Free to live your life because it belongs to you and no one else. Be logical with reasoning to solve your problems. Fake news is what is being told to you to program you to be told what is fake news. If you do not believe or question something, research it and come to your own conclusion and then spread your gospels in a diversified and universal world of freedoms. Use the tree of knowledge to become your own God, countering the Tree of Life.

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