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Saturday, March 10, 2018

American Benefit Social Cuts, The Republican Greed for Themselves, Not Caring for Its People, The Social Security Slush Find, Disability, Medicare and Medicaid Cuts, What They Are Not Telling You

The deal will prevent benefits cut by transferring funds from the main Social Security trust to the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) trust, which would otherwise run short of funding next year and be forced to cut payments to beneficiaries by 20 percent. Congress has used that rudimentary policy solution to the shifting tides of financing between the two Social Security trust funds for decades, but Republicans had moved to block such a transfer back in January in hopes of creating a high-pressure legislative crisis around the disability program.”*

For decades the Social Security has been used for a slush fund to fight wars, build up the military, fund tax cuts for the rich, ever increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. Right now the tax payroll withdraw from your check is $108,000, so other words, anyone they tax the lower incomes. Democratic proposals are to get rid of that so everyone would be in the system, which is not a bad idea because you would be paid for your hard work over the year. This, in turn, should be retroactive to those in the past in the above income bracket to pay a retirement (optional to that individual).

The idea of doing away with Social Security Disability is a bad idea too. For all the Republicans could talk about is Obama's death panels, well this is the Republican's way of using the death panels. It is part of keeping the lower income to a certain level in society. This beating on the poor rang in the French Revolution, Russian Communist Revolution, Nazi Germany, Italian Fascism. At least in a Communist system, when you retire at 60, you get a pension and free medical. This is the sour note in a Capitalistic society.

Social Security figures you retirement this way. Take the total amount of years you worked, add up the total income you made over the years, divide that by the number of years you worked, then half that and that is your retirement pension.

You paid into the system and the only reason we fight wars, proxy wars and interfere in other worlds affairs is for the big Multi-Corporate companies to have access to markets, open shipping lanes and have access to foreign markets.

Medicare is an essential part of taking care of your mom and dad, you know the ones that fed you, clothed you, took on your stress when they had stress too and steered you in the right direction from going down a bad path.

We need a universal healthcare system where all receive medical attention. The reason Obamacare did not work was that it was voluntarily mandated and carried very view participants in its insurance pool.
In a universal system, everyone would pay in, and everyone would receive care. You already do this if you look at your paycheck and find that the Medical tax, though small does this but treats those in Medicaid. Obamacare was run or lobbied by the health insurance companies anyway.

Everyone at the bottom of society needs a jump start, a safety net to bad times to get back on their feet, Get back into the work force, but really to me it does not matter, they are human beings, in which in a country we care more for animals than we do our fellow human beings. If you question this, then question your Christian morals.

Summary: Bring everyone into the Social Security Pension Program, even let them take the option of investing it by choice into mutual funds by investment and allocating to what that may be by individual choice given by banks and investment agencies.Everyone would benefit. Medicare and Medicaid should be universal and yes run by the government. Healthcare companies could compete for the business through contract working hand in hand with Medicare and Medicaid to ensure individual and the care quality could be regulated by the premium you pay. No tax cap on any of the benefits of all these programs. If a person can work after, let them and do not penalize the for making more money. You see, everytime you pay into the Social Security system, you buy 30 year bonds, you own the debt. Don't let anyone tell you that they are paying for it, because you already did in the form of a tax.

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