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Sunday, September 8, 2019

What Are Rights

Actually, a list of Rights is nearly infinite since Rights are determined apophatically by looking at what are wrongs. That is an extremely shortlist that includes lying, assault, theft, kidnapping, murder, rape, etc. A Right is ANY human action that doesn't cause harm to another! "Slavery is a claim of ownership on your person, the product of your labor, or your possessions, in whole or in part. All-natural rights are property rights. Understanding this is fundamental in understanding the condition of slavery. We own ourselves and have the right to live freely and exercise our Natural Rights, provided the actions we perform do not infringe on another person's rights. Anyone who dares to try to stop people from living within these Natural Rights is making a direct claim of ownership on others which is the definition of slavery. Those who do this, or condone this, are tyrants and should be treated as such

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