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Monday, September 23, 2019

Immigration, Migration, Tourism, Tariffs, Anti Immigration, Legal Relaxed Immigration, Prejudice, Cultural Jealousy, Internet for All Social Security, Illegal Hiring,

Immigration, Tourism, Migration, Anti Immigration, Lega;l Relaxed Immigration, Predjudices, Cultural Jelousises, the Internet for all Social Security, Illegal Hiring

 Some comments. It increases demand for imports and exports because of the diversified cultures and their demands via commerce and consumption. This is also true with any growth rate tied to population growth vs depopulation policies which harm nations and the world.

Tourism plays a big part in world economies. The hotels, site seeing, air flights, etc. We cannot afford to lose a travel industry that ripples through the economy chain.

Lately, there have been talks of tariffs, socialism doctrine, and nationalism;l Inflation, high-interest rates, google the 70's in which I lived and you will understand. We are about to learn a bad lesson on how all of us are tied to globalization through economics. Free trade, free choice, and free spirit should drive our markets. We were fortress America before WW2, and socialist on both sides were popular communist and nationalist, then came the Great Depression and World War 2, 3 will be with nukes, then we'll have real climate change.

It seems to me that most of the anti-immigration stance in America today is coming from the white, Christian community, isolationist, protectionism for traditional culture for those who do not want change or cannot adapt to it.

Legal relaxed Immigration is a short fix for Social Security in that it fills coffers. The immigrants or green card holders should all pay taxes like the common American but so should the illegal immigrants. If we are to stem the tide of illegal immigration we need to go after the construction contractors that hire them and the companies that illegally hire, then the lure will disappear, and the incentives

Alternative energies should continue so we are no longer be enslaved by oil and their wars. The energy sector should not be subsidized, regulated, or restrained from imports or exports. The market and the consumer should dictate the prices of all energies as time goes by.  for the world, competition is the best method. Supply and demand by worldwide consumers should be the rule in a free worldwide market 

Internet should be available to all people so there is more correspondence with others from different cultures and backgrounds. E-commerce plays a big part in this that would explode the production, consumption, and a bigger variety in consumer choices.

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