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Sunday, September 8, 2019

According to My World

The world is a market of what sells and what does not in ideas, exchanges, products, and services according to supply and demand and not to be restricted by prohibition, isolationist, fanatics, extremist, old institutions that live in the past of ancient reference to the modern times. Wars, conflict, and anything that hinders progress and global commerce flow is obsolete. Never become fanatical about anything, lead me to follow me or get the hell out of the way, keep it simple stupid if it is not broke, don't fix it.

 A woman is a caretaker of the future of our children, they should be treated with the utmost respect and not according to a religious doctrine

Things that slow down global economics and destroys what civilization has built. Wars, religion, prohibition, over-regulation, police states, censorships, control freaks, fanatics, extremist, oligarchies, monopolies in power and money controls, pessimist, lack of personnel liberty and restrictions, too. Many laws that Law Inc profits from, is drug wars where profit is made through creating shortages, feeding big oil and the military-industrial complex.

Immigration price manipulation, stiffer rules. Illegal drug manipulation, Law Inc, the wall, tight border. Healthcare price manipulation, illegal drugs, non-importation from legal drugs abroad, drug war, etc. Oil price manipulation, wars, conflicts, OPEC, petrodollar, etc. We had strict prohibitions in the 1920s, lasted pretty good til the bottom fell out in 1929, filtered out the greedy, jumping out the window and killing themselves, filtered out nationalism across the globe, World War 2, and here we are again!

Social media, blogging, reading, nutrition and herbs, world news, world culture, globalization, free trade, a market according to supply and demand of the world consumer market, not subsidies and unregulated

Religion should be no part of a government and never be forced upon a population or civilization. The world is a market of ideas, ideologies, philosophies, religions, free thought, free spirit.

About me, Single retired from the army. I am 58 and Married 2x, one was Korean, the other from Thailand, Universal in thought, logic, reason, and critical thinking. Want to spend more time enhancing my retirements. Like to travel, beach towns, beaches, seafood, would like to live in another tropical country. internet, reading, keeping up with world news, investing, eating out, like meeting people from different cultures. Freethinker, free-spirited. like music, karaoke, economics, and social trends in the world, geopolitics. Nutrition, and herbs, multicultural. My music likes are rock, pop, country, bluegrass, smooth jazz, funk, disco, folk, soft rock, southern rock, classic rock. Libra and born under the sign of the rat. Born on John Lennon's birthday and born the year Kennedy was elected.

I think money matters, don't tread on my freedoms, I can be mysterious, regenerate quickly, radiate worth and being happy, excited, visionary, no boredom, the past you learn from and use it as a reference for the now and future. don't like being bogged down by others, realistic, practical, its all about the mind, very shrewd, communication is important, deep thinker, big heart, listener, nature, current events, sky's the limit, love music, karaoke I feel my way around, I give it my all, I stand my ground, respect, beliefs are practical, diplomatic, set my own standards, it's my journey, express myself when needed, desires are important, passionate, I let my conscience be my guide, can adapt quickly, backup plans to backup plans, look ahead, look behind to see who's behind you, understanding, take charge, good natured, good cheer, like parties, Internet guidances over human guidance, independent, prideful, a listener, self-confident, self-motivator, leadership ability, strong-willed, not swayed too easy, positive, success is important, don't stick to something to long, research the answer before going forward, youthful appearance, sense of humor, never run out of ideas, quick to put others to ease, refined, gentle, strong-willed and away. Do not like control freaks, religious fanatics, cons, users, or money-grubbers.


Global Socialism 67%, Global Environmentalism 64%, Global Peace and Freedom 59%, Global Libertarian 59%, Global Democracy 55%, Global Republic 49%, A Global Constitution 44%, Global Neo Liberalism

Religious Beliefs Mahayana Buddhism 100%, Universal Unitarianism 90%, Jainism 88%, Taoism 87%, Hinduism 86%, Theravada Buddhism 83%, Liberal Quaker 83%, Religious Society of Friends 81%, New Ag 80%, Sikhism 77%, New Thought 75%, Neo-Pagan 73%, Scientology 72%, Christian Science, 65%, Liberal Christian 55%, Humanism 46%, Reform Judaism 44%, Bahai Faith 43%, Non Theist 35%, Seventh Day Adventist 31%, Church of the Latter-Day Saints 31%, Islam 29%, Orthodox Judaism 27%, Christian Protestantism 24%, Eastern Orthodox 20%, Jehovah Witness 20%, Roman Catholic 20%

Philosophers: Hagel metaphysics, individuality, history, and logic. Nietzsche,

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