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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Kamala Harris Platform

Kamala Harris

Candidate Status: Running
Harris — the 54-year-old senator and former prosecutor — continues to show star power on the trail, packing houses from South Carolina to New Hampshire. The Californian stands astride the tectonic plates of the Democratic Party — an establishment politician who has adopted a platform responsive to the passion of the grassroots, including a Green New Deal and marijuana legalization. Her fundraising in the first quarter reflects success in sustaining this tricky balance: Harris raised $12 million from nearly 140,000 donors. Black women are the heart of the Democratic Party, and seeing themselves reflected in the Howard University-educated Harris (born to Jamaican and Tamil Indian parents) could boost her prospects, particularly if Stacey Abrams decides against a bid.
Signature Policy: Her LIFT Act would pay out up to $500 a month for working-class families. Harris says this “tax cut” will be paid for by ending Trump’s “giveaways to big corporations and the top one percent.”
Signature Apology: Harris has accepted accountability for missteps as California’s attorney general: “The bottom line is the buck stops with me, and I take full responsibility for what my office did.”

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