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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Bernie Sanders PLatform

Candidate Status: Running
Sanders holds the lead thanks to a potent combination of people-power and cash, raising $18 million from more than 500,000 donors in the opening weeks of his campaign. The Democratic Socialist does not have the left lane to himself in 2020 — many candidates have embraced his once-distinctive proposals. But Sanders is seen as an uncompromising champion of proposals like Medicare for All. The 77-year-old has made appealing changes for 2020: He has jettisoned his consultants and put people of color at the fore of his campaign. And he finally released his tax returns
Signature Policy: Sanders’ 2016 campaign set the table for 2020. He gets full credit for mainstreaming a $15 minimum wage and tuition-free college. Sanders recently introduced the “For the 99.8% Act” — which would sharply increase the estate tax, including imposing a 77 percent tax on estates in excess of $1 billion, raising an estimated $315 billion over a decade. Signature Apology: Sanders apologized to former female staffers for a 2016 campaign marred by pay disparities and allegations of sexual harassment by male staffers, promising to “do better” moving forward.

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