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Monday, April 29, 2019

Russian Collusion Is Not Over, AG Barr is Temporary, A Democratic President, Ukraine, Canadian, EU and Australian Elections, Military Complex and Oil, War with Iran, Venezuela Interference

Out with the old, and in with the new. Now with the Russia hoax fading, we turn the page to see how US President Trump will govern going forward, without Mueller floating around, and a new AG Barr ready to turn the tables. Will Bolton and Pompeo lead Trump into war with Iran? Will Venezuela regime change be shelved for a later date? Election results in Ukraine and Spain bring with them big changes. Right around the corner, we have elections in Australia, the EU Parliament, and Canada...what can we expect? Will Brexit and the Yellow Vests carry into the summer? What will happen to Julian Assange?

First off the Mueller will not go away anytime soon. Congress has still got to go through it. He still has the New York District Court to deal with. It was not Russian collusion, but a Russian Jewish Mafia collusion. AG Barr will be out in 2021.                

Bolton and Pompeo run Trump, Bolton lives on war, and most likely has a money tree to the military complex and big oil, with Saudi ties. Pompeo being part of the Evangelical Lobby too. Venezuela, as well as Iran, is about oil. They have to move quickly to these wars because the American people will elect a Democrat in 2020. Trump will collect his benefits after the presidency, so he has nothing to worry about.

Brexit will die, and Neo-Liberal and Neo-Conservative globalism will continue.

I will say though, Venezuela does need to be opened up for the people and the flow of oil needs to continue without it being nationalized, As for Iran, it is an extremist government, also that government needs to be liberalized to western free democracy. Understand that with China, the tariffs are only being used to hurt the Chinese economy and its expansion, but all of this could backfire. So goes the geopolitics.

As far as the elections go, the trends are globalization returning but in a Neo-Liberal since. There is a twist though. In Australia, he will continue its conservative ways, but the Asian population is growing there and will change the political landscape in times to come. The EU Nationalist parties will continue the trend but is the UK is any sign to what is happening to Brexit and the return to their globalist way, again, Neo-Liberal ways, so for the EU too. Canada will stay Liberal. 

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