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Monday, April 29, 2019

Your Career, Life, Personnel Journey, Toxic, Money Draining, Dramatized, Fanatical and Extrem People

Your career of choice plays a big role in determining your overall well-being. Not only does your profession have a massive influence on the potential money you make, but it also impacts your stress, work-life balance, happiness, and feeling of accomplishment and retirement. Invest as you go and stay away from toxic money draining dramatized, fanatical and extreme people who will try to sidetrack you from your journey
A career is not guaranteed, nor any relationship in the fast pace world we live in. The stress you endure will have to be maintained by you, even if it means shaking things up, moving on and salvaging what you can. Work smart and hard and you will have all the money you need to move faster, or spend time with your relationship and family, move slower and have less, depends on you, for it is your journey.
One cannot control another human being, for they will only get resistance, for the other will get tired of the manipulation of one trying to mold another in which the other wants them to be. Eventually, they will leave.
Religion, when it becomes for one but not the other will interfere to with the relationship when it becomes the priority over it and the lifestyle and independence of the other is interfered with.
Your friends, social media, religion, school, the geographical area in which they live will greatly influence them more than you, just be a part and let it flow, you cannot control it, the days of the family farms are over.

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