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Monday, April 22, 2019

Joe Biden and His Platform

Joe Biden

Candidate Status: Undeclared
Biden still leads most early polls of the 2020 Democratic field, but the 76-year-old former VP seems intent on torpedoing his likely campaign before it begins. After Lucy Flores, a Democratic candidate for Nevada lieutenant governor in 2014, accused him of inappropriately kissing her head before an event, Biden issued a non-apology apology pledging to “be more mindful and respectful of people’s personal space.” Later that week, however, he was back to cracking jokes about his habit of touching people in public. “I just want you to know: I had permission to hug Lonnie,” he riffed after hugging a union boss at labor convention. His recent run of form has only fed into the perception that Biden is out of the step with the politics of the moment.
Signature Policy: Biden has peerless foreign policy credentials: “I’m the most qualified person in the country to be president,” he’s said.

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