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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Beto O'Rourke Platform

Beto O’Rourke

Candidate Status: RunningAfter early ambivalence about joining the 2020 field, Beto O’Rourke felt certain by mid-March he was “just born to be in it.” The former congressman, 46, cannonballed into the Democratic primary with a Vanity Fair profile (cover portrait courtesy of Annie Leibovitz) and an Iowa road-trip intended, no doubt, to evoke his star-making 2018 run for Senate in Texas, in which he nearly toppled Texas mega-villain Sen. Ted Cruz. That campaign built a nationwide grassroots machine that Beto fired up after declaring his bid on March 14th. Undeterred by early stumbles and surprising revelations about O’Rourke’s past in a hacktivist collective, donors have responded by staking his campaign with $9.4 million, on the strength of 280,000 contributions.
Signature Policy: O’Rourke, until this year a representative for El Paso, has centered on immigration reform, based on “respect and dignity.”

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