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Thursday, October 4, 2018

There Is No Need for a Trade War with China in the Age of Free Trade

A new cold war with China needs to be stopped ASAP before it gets fixed in place and causes decades of lost opportunities and unnecessary damage, like the cold war with the USSR. A cold war and another financial crisis in the next couple of years would also greatly increase both domestic political/social instability and the geopolitical threat of war.

The trade war is affecting the worldwide supply chain, impacting many economies around the world. This hits the low to middle incomes in many countries, that will increase inflation and high-interest rates around the globe. There is already talk of more conflict outside of the trade war with China, war with China would only join Russia into the fight because they have been getting closer and the forming of the Brazil-Russian-India-China economic block outside of other trade blocks. It is already causing instability in Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. Worldwide currencies are crashing over the trade wars, if it is not broke, do not fix it!

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