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Saturday, October 6, 2018

Institutions and Control Freaks, Artificial Intelligence, Freedom of Information, The Prohibitionist, Religious Dogma vs Free Thought and Access to Ones Desires

Lately, the Internet, a technological masterpiece, has been the subject of great controversy. With the far right calling out what is fake news and what is not, stirring up the stink as the religious prohibitionist did in the 1920's which led to the Great Depression and world war 2, and the far left wanting to socialize the world to the point to where political correctness becomes toxic. Certain individuals feel as though the Internet should be governmentally regulated and censored in order to protect the youth of America, when in turn in an artificial intelligence modern globalized world now set in place, how can one do that only by bring back an age-old toxic poison of fascism, isolationism and protectionism from the rest of the world. On the other hand, the regulation of material on the Internet would, in fact, violate the First Amendment right to free speech and expression  Those who seek to impose a limitation on expression do so ordinarily in order to forestall some anticipated effect of freedom of expression in causing or influencing other conduct and wanting to control the world in aspect never has or never will unless we stagnate back into the dark ages, where power was consolidated into the religious realms of churches, temples, mosques, and monarchs. All a form of nationalism, military socialism or ancient text rules that do not fit worldwide modern times. It reminds me of a time with slavery, when masters did not want their slaves to read books, even the Bible. This is an old story, as to the story of the Tower of Babel, Tree of Knowledge vs the Tree of a Programmed Life under control of those in authority, we are repeating that, for who is to limit the free thinking of a human beings mind. A restricted mind is a terrible thing to waste.  

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