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Thursday, October 11, 2018

About the White South Africans and Reverse Prejudice or Racism Happening Now

That land should be redistributed. That these whites are responsible for what has happened in South Africa's history. That this genocide is justified. That stories of these tragedies of murdered white farmers should not make the world news headlines I say.

Land should not be distributed to people who did not inherit it or work for it or accomplished the ability to buy it. Present day whites are not responsible for what past ancestors did in a time they know nothing about and the circumstances involved. These white farmers have nothing coming to them, this is just an example of how a majority suppresses a minority in which comes in many colors. Media, government, religions should not censor anything in a market of free choice in which one has the means to own and buy it with them setting the parameters as long as no harm is being done to others. 

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