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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Wars Vs Other Means In Growing a World Economy, Maintaining Civilizations, Exchanging Wealth, Maintaining Human Capital

"War is the continuation of politics by other means" -- Karl von Clausewitz

 The oldest and fastest way of controlling people has always been the war. Though war destroys lives, kills women and children, destroys infrastructure, these are future consumers and economic human capital, being disrupted, so is it really a wise thing to do for the sales and profiteering of wars and weapons and keeping oil prices propped up? The object of any war is the conquest of territories, but why would we need this is free trade and access to a countries resource are available via commerce exchange? Who wants to control the world, when you can exchange with it, where both sides benefit? Wealth, should be created by exchange with others, not by the destruction of civilizations and not forcing our will on them or some forceful religious dogma. Ideas are exchanged and the world is changed between multilateral relationships as one collective world. Human resources and human capital are important in the world to repopulate, replenish and grow the world as a whole in peace. World history has witnessed a great number of brutal wars, unnecessary ones, most could have been prevented by taking the problem out early, instead of waiting, isolating ourselves from the world stage. If you are going to pull a weed so it does not come back, get the roots too.

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