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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Freedom of Expression, Policing of Society, Controls, Monopolizations, Religious Dogma, Government or Corporate Fascisms

"What is freedom of expression? One must be able to convey and spread opinion around the world without it being rationed to so many connections, controlled by private corporate social site policing, for you and others can set their own parameters to that, controlled by any government or religious prohibitionist dogma, for freedom sells and produces more in economies than controls, monopolization or crony corporate greed does. It should not be controlled by a nationalism, extremism or fanaticism for the world is more diverse than that. Through free trade, multiculturalism, and liberal border policy, this can happen and we will become a diverse, consumer economic driven world and not one controlled by the government, corporate or religious fascisms Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.

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