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Monday, September 10, 2018

Breaking the Addiction to Oil and Saving on Military Intervention Into the Middle East, The Social Security Slush Fund

Watching some channels on Youtube, Key to draining the Muslim coffers would be over shore drilling, fracking, unsupplemented energy sectors, letting the consumer choice supply and demand of free markets take effect, alternative energies, electric cars would take us off the addiction of oil out of the Middle East. Another key here is the dollar tied to the dollar, created by Nixon in 1973, which in that decade, we had two oil embargos and crisis at gas stations in which I remember. Trump is supporting old fossil fuels as did Bush. So the strength of the dollar is tied to oil and the military complex at the expense of the taxpayer. But we want to slash the budget through social security and maintaining the American human capital. For in Social Security payrolls the money goes into US Treasuries, American debt. The government uses your investment for a slush fund, but this should be going towards keeping Social Security solvent

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