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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Living in Simplicity

Live in Truth, Simplicity, Love, and Service is the way to help humans master the lower self-ego caused misery, so that a person may walk within their true essence happily. If you live in truth, simplicity, and love and if your purpose is to serve, then the black hole, the emptiness that cannot be filled with money, power or knowledge, will no longer be a cause of your bitter sadness. Nothing will stop it. Not intoxicants, not relationships, not material things, not power, not scholarship, not wealth, nothing will stop the endless wheel of life from spinning round and round, over and over, cycle after cycle of unending misery, sadness, and emptiness. But Truth will stop it. Simplicity will stop it. Love will stop it. Service will stop it. TRUTH is supreme, and nothing in the universe is more important than truth. Truth can be achieved by constant control of the mind, all unnecessary and wrong thoughts. Truth is in the mind. To achieve this it is necessary to guide the mind into a state of complete peace and stillness. SIMPLICITY is an awareness of the relativity and impermanence of the material creation and the full consciousness. Detachment can be acquired through practicing simplicity in everyday life, food, house, clothing, and all martial comforts. LOVE: We must realize that we are all part of this consciousness, all one and the same. Love is an awareness of that unity. In this awareness, there is no place for aggressive feelings. We should be able to love and serve one with each other, we are all one.

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