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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

US Strict Immigration Policies and It's Effects, Open Immigration, Open Borders, Open Society, Labor Pools and Their Effects, Birth Rates and Encouragement of Planned Families

Economic and demographic disparities will shape the mobility of labor and skills during the 21st century. Richer societies and some emerging economies are already experiencing rapid population aging, while working-age populations will continue to grow in other emerging economies and in most low-income countries. Despite these trends, many highly developed countries and emerging economies continue to assume that today’s demographic realities will persist. 

Immigration and migration policies should be lenient enough to meet the needs of an aging population and to balance a labor shortage and control pricing does to labor cost. Aspects of all this are to fill the social security coffers of support for the elderly, care for the elderly, the demand for healthcare workers, doctors, and nurses, balancing out labor shortages that are needed control inflation and interest rates tied to hiring and investment of companies.

This labor pool in the future will be obtained from Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and South Asia. Trump's policies on immigration will cause these things. Inflation in cost from labor cost will be priced in and passed on to the American consumer. Interest rates will rise, to regulate this and cause stagnation in hiring. There is already a shortage of migrant farm worker, rotting agricultural foods and the price of labor also will be passed onto you through your groceries. 

Births should be paid for encouragement in having children. An incentive in some countries such as Germany and Russia pays you a lump sum to have children because of their disappearing population fertility rates. We need open borders but more inspection of customs agents and border guards, a wall would help for unchecked open areas yes. But we need open loose free trade, open immigration policy, open borders and open society to achieve the best economic conditions. 

The only thing we need to be checking at our borders is criminal intents of export into our countries such as drugs, gun running, gangs, terrorist, radical extremist, and fanatics. The only exception to this is refugees with a strict vetting process to relieve them from escaping from violence, wars, proxy wars, political and religious suppression.

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