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Friday, March 16, 2018

Supreme Court Interpretations, Keep It Simple, Tree of Knowledge vs the Tree of Life, All Information is Free, Importance of the Elections of 2018

The Supreme Court has had many interpretations of this amendment with regards to freedom of speech.  Governmental regulation of “free speech” has primarily been seen in the media.  Television, radio, and other forms of information communication have battled with the Supreme Court over what “freedom of speech” in the First Amendment actually implicates.

The interpretation of this is pretty stait forward and not complicated. Freedom of information and the flow of it is not to be restricted by the governments. The Tree of Knowledge (Having the access to all information and programming) is a right. The Tree of Life (Keep them dumb and they will obey mentality) is not right.

All forms of information should be available in a democracy be it radio, tv programming, internet, blogs and more. The ability to put your opinion anywhere is a right under the Constitution, 

If the Supreme Court should not hinder any of this, Please get out and vote, because the president we have now, expecially with his Evangelical Council is looking to appoint judges that will prohit your freedoms, 2018 will be the Blue Wave and the overturn of an attemped prohibition that haunted us from 1919-33, which caused the stockmarket crash of 1929, which caused the Great Depression, which caused World War II with the rise of the Nazi's, rise of Communism, nasty nationalism and isolationism, and which is happening now to make a comeback around the globe.

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