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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Punishing Germany, via the French and the UK in the Treaty of Versailles. Leaving a Germany with a desperate people in Germany. Then Germany was left with political extremism, such as Fascism, Nazism, Communism. The US did not support the League of Nations that the Wilson invented to produce wars, but the US did not support it under Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. The US had become nationalistic and protectionist. Also during this time, you had the far religious bringing us prohibition under Harding who "Wanted to Make America Great Again". There is also a growing hardline Zionism. Sound familiar? It was the nationalist, the Jewish lobby, the conservative billionaire and the far right religious right that got Trump elected and they are in his ear every day. Well in the long run, in led to prohibition, the world economies tanking, depression, Nazism, Communism, many deaths. The thing to think about here is the similarities of repeating history, but this time with nuclear weapons far stronger than the ones in the day of WW2. The religious right wants to bring forth the end days, a death wish to humanity, NOT! I don't have a death wish, I think things were going great until we were sold and conned as for Trump College, fake televangelist, fake wrestling and being told we can flip them houses and the pyramid. You see a free trade, free and an open world, working through the United Nations, being universal in thought, being a free thinker, using logic, reasoning, negotiations with the rest of the world will prevent WW3. With nuclear war, there is no job creation, money, like a hangover after a party as they had in 1929. I mean, a war would sell a lot of weapons, but so will Russia. Isn't there a song that says, I hope Russia loves their children too. Tell me your thought, I hope with no shoot from the hip comments and insults without no constructive statistics or statements leading to a logical and reasonable conclusion. Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it.
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