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Monday, March 12, 2018

New World Order Through Global Democracy, Projected Populations 2050, Pro Population Growth Policy

Most Populated Countries in 2050 with Immigration and Migration Projected 100 Million +, Globalization, Free Worldwide Economics, Worldwide Democracy, Free Worldwide Thought and Expression with Total Worldwide Internet Connection and Social Networks. Global Integration of Multicultural Mixing with Open Borders and Open Society India 1804 Asia 5772 China 1580 Africa 2260 USA 395 Europe 920 Indonesia 350 Latin America 846 Nigeria 347 North America 444 Pakistan 315 Oceania 60 Brazil 257 Bangladesh 217 Ethiopia 190 Mexico 178 Congo 166 Egypt 154 Philippines 154 Russia 141 Vietnam 124 Tanzania 117 Turkey 116 Japan 116 Iran 107 The whole idea of globalizing the world economically is to bring the population to the economy as far as prosperity. With this to happen, You need the global rule of law, free trade,(worldwide, not just regionally). Free Internet connectivity, worldwide democracy in any form without political monopolization. Get rid of corruptions, dogmatic religions in countries governments. Rid the world nationalism through multiculturalism, open borders, and open worldwide society. Extremism must not exist in this world. The rule of law could be worked out in the United Nations and enforced through UN resolutions and coalitions. People must be free in thought and spirit. Population and economics can happen without damaging them or at least reduce it through alternative forms of energies, recycling, and replenishment of what is taken from it. The answer to the extinction of species can be replenished through domestication of the species and profitability within domains. Economics must be dictated though through democracies, the rule of law set by democracies, supply and demand thought worldwide free markets driven by consumer choice and demand.     

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