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Thursday, March 22, 2018

World's Weapons Sales, Oil, Strife with Iran and Kissing Saudi's Ass, What You Need to Sell Weapons

March 9, 2013

President Obama called Russian President-elect and Prime Minister Putin to congratulate him on his recent victory in the Russian Presidential election,” the Obama White House said in a statement late that Friday. “President Obama highlighted achievements in U.S.-Russia relations over the past three years with President Medvedev, including cooperation on Afghanistan, the conclusion, and ratification of the START agreement, Russia’s recent invitation to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) and cooperation on Iran. President Obama and President-Elect Putin agreed that the successful reset in relations should be built upon during the coming years.”
  • Rebuttel: Russia and the USA are into weapons sales and keeping the military complex rolling along. To do this, both rub each other's backs and kisses the asses of their customers base. Pitting Shiite and Sunni's in the region.To sell weapons you need war, conflict, geopolitical strife and proxy wars. It is all about the economics of oil and weapons sales. Russia and the USA are the number 1 and 2 weapons sellers in the world, go figure.

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