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Saturday, March 17, 2018

How Much to Raise a Child in America, What Causes Depopulation, Great Depression, Prohibition and WW2

It takes $1 million to raise a child, sends them to college and helps them get through the 20's and 30's without any bumps in the road.

What causes a country to depopulate is nationalism, anti-immigration, racism. It hinders caring for the elderly in health facilities. I causes religious fanatics to fill their coffers with dollars for the elderly have no where to turn, making them prime targets. I know, Billy Graham got most of my grandmothers money and Jim Baker got most of my parents money.

It causes political extremisms, parity between nations. Dictatorships form or monoplized political parties all around the world. Natiions collapse because of low birth rates and anti-immigration policies, sort of what it did between 1919-33. When nationalism, relgious prohibition started.

It rung in a Great Depression, mobsters, corrupt cops, poverty only causes crime. It rung in World War 2, 3 will be with nuclear weapons with the presidency we have now. Well 2019 will change all that, because the administions hands will be tied.

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